Atleast state why you don't believe so if you're calling people out. The demoman has 3 weapons: Pipe launcher, Sticky Launcher and a bottle. Pipe launcher: Has a capacity of 4 grenades at a time, not so good for close range combat because of the potential damage it could cause to you, the fire rate is pretty slow (for obvious reasons) along with a slow reload time. The Sticky launcher: Pretty much the same as above apart from you'd need to have them layed out before you were attacked otherwise you would most probably die laying them when attacked + you would need to be able to see the sticky grenades to know when to detonate them whcih means your enemy will be close by as well. As for the Whiskey bottle, it's weak, very close-range so to be able to kill someone with this they'll need to be AFK or at low HP.. Either that or just hope for a critical hit. If they give the Demoman a close-range weapon, it will be another Soldier...