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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Posts posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Not to be rude, but how the hell does this make you feel "Fock, I must derp derp derpy derp!!!" Burp herp derp derpyherpaderp dupadurpness. WERP.


    Why do you keep writing your name after every messege? :V

    And why must you question peoples motives? :)

    I dont know :V

    I always do when see stuff like that appearing on someone's post. You know we can see who posts it.

    I dont know but.... I find it stupid for some reason :o

    *claps* I address myself personally to people that don't know me. So why do people sign their name at the bottom of emails when you know it's them...? It's called courtesy :)

    But emails are based on yon olde snail mail, unlike forum posts which relate more to the forums of ancient Rome by being places where people talk. You don't greet people by saying "Hello. Regards, Uncle Dolan" or the like.

  2. Both lava mountains and water cubes are actually not allowed after the incident called map 13. Due to the fact that the map consisted of only those two elements made it horribly dull to play.

    EDIT: Ninja Clavus strikes again.

  3. Also, how hard is it to add new items? There are a lot of things I can think I'd like to see up there. But if it's a decent task to code I can understand not putting every little thing up.

    Same question here. Specifically wondering could Lapis and possibly gold be added to the shop? It would have no impact whatsoever other than to make bases look prettier and keep you fed.

  4. What are the requirements for being allowed in? As in, is being a mr green member enough and ofcourse the votes or do we need a certain anciety or however the word is.

    You just have to be a trustworthy and smart (hah) person who is generally accepted by the other members. Greenies get in automatically, having met the pre-requisites already.

  5. Nothing that hard, it can be just a hollow dirt island, where the inside can be inhabited too. Just waste some greencoins to get the dirt and make Clavus happy and we can have it up in half an hour.

  6. A little status update:

    The major broken plugins right now are Factions, WorldBorder and SpamGuard. The first two are by the same developer and I expect these to be updated soon. SpamGuard hasn't been updated in a while. I downloaded the source files of the Tips, motd, and ToggleGamemode plugins and fixed those myself, I'll probably try the same with SpamGuard.

    Server will just keep rolling on 1.1 until around 22:00 tonight, after that I'll bring it offline to make backups and prepare for the hardware upgrade. It'll depend on how smooth the upgrade goes and how fast there will be functional Bukkit version (the current one starts with the server but I can't join).

    NOOOOOO NOT 22:00 I'm normally wasted by then D:

    Aren't you, like, 15? Wasted at thursday?

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