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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Posts posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. There are rumors that a DayZ mode will be included with Arma 3.

    Imagine if they ditched their engine and put it onto the Crytek.3 engine - I would cry tears of joy

    Unlike your computer, which would just cry.

  2. wow *sacastic clap* just wow, you just got nothing to do in your sparetime dont you?

    tell me, did your dad hits you when you where young or was your mother always drunk?

    Because you just love to Break other peoples things and make them feel sad dont you?

    And this is where I come in and tell you to shut up

    I don't care if this guy broke your shit, its a game called faction WARS, grow up and start taking accountability for the things you say and treat other people with a bit more dignity, whether you like them or not

    It pains me when I see dirt posts like this over a fucking game

    Indeed. It's saddening to see people being throwing such 'arguments' around when someone actually wars in faction wars.

  3. I'm not willing to apply for admin anymore, but one of you guys should. At the very LEAST hire some bloody moderators with restricted privileges instead of admins because the server its kinda run retardedly.

    I don't think there's anyone who's both willing and competent to be an admin there who actually actively plays the game.

    I play on this server daily.

    Admins have to be trusted long-time members. You need a few more months under your belt.

  4. Soooooo... just something I feel like saying

    Mathijs acused Juan for hacking, not the whole faction, unless your one of the said alts (as far as I can read) so why not let Juan do the defending?

    And another thing, not to be a bitch but please, can we have some evidence, that is after all normaly what decides the outcome.

    (just MY thoughts)

    Juan is indeed the accussed. But he is the leader of LRG and his image reflects upon the whole faction. I also would like to see proof that we are hacking.

    Juan, Juan. And since i've seen him on this forum, why cant he reply?

    He's from the same faction, they've done all this stuff together. I'm pretty damn sure Valion here can answer to the pointless whining here just as well. Besides, he might be, say, actually busy.

  5. I'm not willing to apply for admin anymore, but one of you guys should. At the very LEAST hire some bloody moderators with restricted privileges instead of admins because the server its kinda run retardedly.

    I don't think there's anyone who's both willing and competent to be an admin there who actually actively plays the game.

  6. For those who can't read Valion's hideous texture pack, it says "Ally with LRG is all part of the plan >:D" Meaning they planned to ally with LRG and then betray us.

    overused image

    I'm not sure whether it's the texture pack's fault or severe case of dyslexia.

  7. ...people just had 'diamond gear' and that was sooo over powered...

    Wrong. Diamond armor was a waste of materials that and was more like a sign reading "This person is filthy rich and you should rob him immediately."

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