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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. I have now completed my military service with the esteemed rank of corporal, and I'll continue to terrorize forums from now on. Also coming to London in a few weeks.

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Congratz! :)

      Welcome back.

    2. Reiska


      remember to inform me about the espionage mission in london time to time comrade baron

    3. Balmung

  3. Baron's back, boyos.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FishWithAHat


      Was it fun? and most of all, are you going to creat another ass hat, claim yours back, or start on something new?

    3. Sacrevy


      Welcum back barons

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Hey, Welcome back. :)

  4. I'll be leaving for my military service tomorrow, and won't be accessing internet for two weeks. Somebody else has to be a cynical asshat while I'm gone.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mathematic
    3. Reiska


      then i have to find the magical asshat staff of asshatness

  7. Guys, the thu'umbox is up there. You're shouting in the wrong place.

  8. Who was a martian stork, yes.
  9. Fine, the real reason is, I hate fucking getting censored by clavus when I post pictures of our base and vehicles, of our server name, paranoia mang. Reasons might be dull, but id rather have some reasons then have not any at all. umad? You're just jealous that you're not the only one who Clavus is censoring anymore.
  10. ...Whatever your opinion was, I now stand against it.
  11. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL!!!! What, there are people who can't get Monty Python references?
  12. It's not always about the GHz, it's more about the architecture. You're lucky you guys didn't hear Kefeus' full rant. I've never heard as much swears, techno jargon and flat-out insults under a minute.
  13. Darkstarmoobpicture.jpg
  14. who will be the admin of prodiguild you or awesomeo? I think both (and most likely some other people) will have admin rights. Also tell your friend to stop giving you reputation for no reason whatsoever. It makes you both look stupid. Hypocrite! That guy always +1s your posts. Minky's lead man on this, I just want a chilled building faction Wait, I have a fanbase and didn't even know it?
  15. I've been passing names like cheap cigars, but eventually the name Baconeer came up in some steam conversation ages ago. However, the name alone lacked class and as I am a sucker for alliteratives, Baron was added. The third is there just to make it roll from the tongue more soundly, and three also happens to be my favourite number for no reason whatsoever.
  16. who will be the admin of prodiguild you or awesomeo? I think both (and most likely some other people) will have admin rights. Also tell your friend to stop giving you reputation for no reason whatsoever. It makes you both look stupid.
  17. Wow, you must be a shining beacon of maturity yourself.
  18. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    A book about manslaughter, makarovs, macabreness and motorized vehicles.
  19. Servers>Games>Minecraft The fuck.
  20. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think. But now it's more like I wanna be the guy set in L4D.
  21. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    Got a fun bug. I updated to 1.7.1, and now the 1.7.1 servers don't let me join because they say I have the old version and 1.7 servers bug because they say I have the 1.7.1 version. Seems like I need to download this shit manually from now on.
  22. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    Did we now? I still have that tent we found on that one server we tried.
  23. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    I'll mount a rescue operation if I happen to find a boat. Don't expect rescue from me anytime soon as I am still in Krashnostav trying to find a server which would actually have daytime. Edit: According to wiki there might be a boat spawn nearby. The operation might be a bit more plausible.
  24. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    We need to name them all now. Wasn't one of them called Frank?
  25. Baron Baconeer

    Day Z

    Wait, you've found another volga?
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