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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mr.Layer

  1. I think Entry01 is too difficult, mostly due to it's lack of context. Test chambers within Portal & Portal 2 follow a similar format: Chamber 1: Teach a player a new mechanic, Chamber 2: Give them an example of how to use the mechanic, to get them thinking about it for the next chamber and Chamber 3: Stick them puzzling situation utilising the stuff they know about. My feedback would be to try and follow the format Portal & Portal: each chamber should have an objective to achieve - something to teach the player. Also, check out the Summer Mapping Initiative contest thinkingwithportals.com are running: http://contest.thinkingwithportals.com/
  2. You are not creating memes, you're just using them and slapping captions on them in a bid for attention. Get out, 4chan's that way. ->
  3. It shouldn't be allowed, not made out of ugly cobblestone anyway.
  4. Who the fuck are you?
  5. /me strokes his mathemagics.
  6. 1 and 2 iterations are easy-peasy compared to 3 D: Its maths, not science Wanna do a 4 iteration? It'll be big... 81x81x81 big.
  7. o you did more? :> The large one was such effort to complete. D:
  8. Is beautiful, right?
  9. Look what awesomesaucesum I made...
  10. # 519 "[CtM] коивин" STEAM_0:0:20859178 07:06 49 0 Not sure how he's doing it but it's an exploit relating to the GRU that allows a heavy to move around with the minigun revved or being shot without his speed being reduced to 37%. Demo attached koth_minigun_gru_explot_2326_21102010.zip
  11. What do you think I've been doing from the start. What I mean is instead of the sky road being built around structures, the sky road/highway goes down first and everything is built around it.
  12. How's about we just start a new world, with an organised sky road ands everybody starts fresh. Or another server.
  14. I haven't tried it yet, but I like the look of this texture pack: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=46707
  15. http://cubekingdom.web.fc2.com/ It's not in English but you'll find the download link. Pretty nice for planning stuff. Endorsed by Error. Fyi.
  16. I bookmarked that simply because of somebody's awesome Android logo.
  17. There's plenty of space within my soon-to-be-built kingdom, and plenty of space on the other side of the island my kingdom is situated upon.
  18. Probably Goblin. In other news, I now own an island.
  19. Some guy on steam forums is doing a survey on what the players think of the game. I see a potential problem being that those that a majority of Steam Forums users may have a different opinion to the actual playing community... so I'm forwarding the link to the survey post for the actual players to share their opinions. It's quite a large survey, shouldn't take much more than 10-15 minutes to complete. You don't need to post any personal info either. The SPUF Thread The survey
  20. The other 2 guys that got banned for doing the same as me only got a 1 day ban, but I got 2. I realise my ban may have been extended automagically due to sourcebans seeing I had 3 other bans on record (2 of which was Error while me and him were at college, just messing around. 1 of which was an accidental convar ban). Also... I see that, by reading the forums, the glitch I used hasn't stopped being used by others (Lemon saying he had racked up a load of points from sapping), yet there are no other bans on SourceBans other than the ones dealt out yesterday. So my plea is, if by ban was extended automatically for 3 other bans which weren't really for breaking any rules, can I have it shortened so it ends tonight? An additional note is: If you're going to ban people for this glitch, be consistent and ban everybody that does it. I don't think it's fair that I get a 2-day ban, after I stopped building game-changing buildables after an admin told me to (I was only building teleports, which didn't do anything...just sat idle on the floor), when there are others building tens of sentries and not getting punished at all.
  21. I didn't know voting worked by letting the minority win. I thought it was the majority. Silly me!
  22. I lol'd.
  23. Mr.Layer

    Ask me anything

    Come in to the house of.............are you coming in?
  24. They should be known on the forums, but don't have to be active on the forums. But they are very popular in the servers, they play a lot in it. Them for Admin! Voted this. As long as an admin is able to regularly check up on what's happening in the forums, in case of his actions being contested; not necessarily play an 'active' role.
  25. Danke mein hard hatted friend!
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