Small list of things REALLY pissing me off - Boomstick doesnt go trough howlerscream ( Honestly, its no fun as last human with boomstick if this $&'*()%'* howlers block every single shot of a very strong weapon ) -Fast Zombies and poisonheadcrab do WAY to much damage - Grenades can kill trough walls( I threw a grenade on greenpub down once and I got kill TROUGH the wall ) - Medics have no special spawnchance ( Engis got their Pulse-SMG, Commandos their Rifle, Supportwith their SMGs and Zerks with their Axe ) My idea would be that medics have a 7 % with every Level chance to spawn with Alyxgun/SG552 Now general things - Some maps are unbalanced ( Chaossytema and Tigrik for example ) - We have to many NOT-teamplaying n00bs ( for example Colt 1911, he likes to cade people out and to place mines next to the cade ) - We need new maps ( I am working on 1 at the moment, but its gonna take a while cause I suck at creating decent lightning )