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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Acterveld

  1. Just saw it announced at E3, And looks at this http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/988/988161p1.html
  2. Science
  3. Acterveld


    Team Fortress 2 * Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables * Arena Mode o Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off o Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round * Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event * Fixed player killed event causing server crash * Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled * Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled * Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings * Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects * Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon Enjoy!
  4. is naive in the fact that you cant ban aiur, he bans yooooouuuu!!!! and that he dosent realise that he learnt from the best Has a brother who told me how buggy the sims 3 is :S
  5. Looks good man, Keep it up.
  6. They just got unactive and they decided to close, And the game server fell ill and dones'nt log in on the game as it died.
  7. Bump (Just so this doesn't get lost)
  8. Price isn't 125 for me it's
  9. Also, (Won't let me edit) I'm usually a regular to a server I enjoy such as Mr Greens, But I was inactive for a while, But I'm back and as determined as ever!
  10. Was quite sunny here aswell, I'm talking about the normal weather ;D This week has been suprisingly good weather over in Norwich though!
  11. Teh Cake is a lie.... But The Pie is alive! Pie wins.
  12. I'm not that old so I don't have much history, But I remember LOVING Crash Bandicoot and Spyro... Classics Oh and Pac-Man
  13. The Cloudy...Cold.. Depressing UK
  14. It's... It's Beautiful!!!! ;D
  15. I actually laughed out loud ;D
  16. POST YOUR FUNNY PICTURES (Or Videos) They don't have to be game related, Although if an admin has reason to believe the thread should be, I'd be happy to change it I'll start this off
  17. Sorry about the whole quote situation, I'd messed up
  18. Well lately I havn't been playing the last few months due to PC problems, But I\'m now on a new rig And Zombie Survival (And I'm a Donator )
  19. Gameserver: Team Fortress 2 Age: 14 Country of origin: UK Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Before I start, just because I'm 14 doesn't mean I'm uncapable of maturity! Anyway, I'm a 14 year old gamer who often plays in other Greens Servers, But would like to get involed in the Team Fortress side of things. I think I'd fit to be ad admin because I'm a generally nice guy, But won't take people stepping out of line. I also have been admin on a few forums (Now closed) and a few text based games so I kind of know the ropes. I'm also very community friendly, Meaning I could make the servers a happier and more relaxing place to be (Even with body parts flying) And I'm not half bad at TF either! Thanks Jordan Wyatt
  20. Nope, No dutch Blood. My dad lived in Achterveld for a small time. He mentioned it one day and I thought It Sounded Cool! Thats How I got the name (But I removed the H)
  21. THIS WORKS!!! As proven with Clavus Earlier!
  22. Can anyone help?
  23. Fancy Crumpets And Tea!? I'm British Even though I love the dutch! They Rule!
  24. Nope, Texture and Shader are both Maxed
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