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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Scourge gave us respectable amount of mineral, food and ammunition resources due to their leave from the current map.


    These resources, along with Scourge's emblem they gave us, now rest inside the safe walls of Mungol.

    Scourge emblem is a mushroom? :o

    Im gonna post our RealisM emblem as soon as im done getting wool, :)

  2. Yeah. Unless someone finds a better alternative, I suggest we keep Faction Wars.

    It is a quiet day in the Mungol base. People are eating their stew, sharpening their diamond swords...

    Suddenly, somewhere in the base, someone says the word "raid". Joyous occasion! Happy songs and laughter occur, Mungols are going for a trip!








    Question: Is the mungol clan ever raided? or in another name? I'd like to know ;) And can i see some of your raiding vids too? Mungol? You always have fraps on right

    ? -ZomBitch, check out my new photo!

    Look before you ask.

    Um, so they never got raided? not even 1 time when they just started faction wars?

  3. There's a glitch wherein if you stand near a lever you can't be hurt. At least that's how I understood it. Valhalla members were involved in this shot.

    Any ideas how to get round it?

    I might now whats wrong, after dieing or anything, players might copy themself, and one of the copy's doesnt move, and the other one does. That means theres 1 inactive mob.

    Uhh... I don't think that's the case.

    More like when a player or any other entity stands in a block that is occupied by a lever, the lever takes the priority over everything and gets hit instead.

    A mere speculation, but makes sense to me.

    Yes, but you still should be able to hit him in the leg then

  4. There's a glitch wherein if you stand near a lever you can't be hurt. At least that's how I understood it. Valhalla members were involved in this shot.

    Any ideas how to get round it?

    I might now whats wrong, after dieing or anything, players might copy themself, and one of the copy's doesnt move, and the other one does. That means theres 1 inactive mob.

  5. I wasn't 'playing the dick' just calling you out on the fact that I've seen you raid one person - today. You talk like you live and die by the sword, but I've only ever seen the latter.

    Please do ignore me, and don't pester our faction on chat.

    Benevolent Sentiments,


    I dont. If u guys stop talking trash to me, i wont talk trash back, and i dont do like i live and die by sword. Im just hosting a faction with some IRL friends having fun and building, raiding. And if guys like you keep talking trash to me, im gonna (try to) ignore them. -ZomBitch

  6. Just to derail the current topic, I'd like to inform that us, the Mungol are no longer recruiting any new enemies.

    We would like to see our own power at times as well.

    Please bear with us.

    *Big sad faec*

    Theres a really easy way to fix that. There are over 15/20 factions, which are never online or 1 man factions.. From people who are on vacation, and the other people left. Search those, and make them neutral.

    Greetings, ZomBitch

    Not content with the 21 blocks of diamonds, and 50 odd blocks of iron/gold, we decided to really screw Legendary over by TNT'ing their shiz.

    Sorry guys.

    Also, @zombitch, I don't think i've seen you raid legit, or act anything other than a complete and utter moron. Please desist in being so obtuse.

    And @mungol, after realising we can no longer see our power, we've resorted to f list so we can keep on racking up the targets.

    Im sorry, but you are playing the dick here now. You say i dont play legit? we have raided over 30/40 or more factions the legit way, and i can already see your reply now. (Those are all new factions!!) No, thats not true. And im just replying on you talking shit to me, and suddenly, im the baddie here. But okay, this reply is propably a dick reply too, so im gonna try to just ignore people like you. Greetings ZomBitch

  7. Mungol does it too

    No we don't. Not anymore. We figured it was way too dishonest way so we decided to quit doing it.

    I don't ever remember doing that. Just honest fucking shit up.

    Kefe did it, i whas there.. First make ally, get in. Enemy. Raid.

  8. Mungol does it too

    No we don't. Not anymore. We figured it was way too dishonest way so we decided to quit doing it.

    Iv'e talked with my friend Fatboysmart and i decided not do this anymore..

    Also, Justcallmepro, Im sorry. Lets make this up: We wont attack you, unless you act like a jerk. Okay? This time, trust us. We wont play false again like that, rading must go natural. Greetings, ZomBitch

  9. Heey mag dit?

    Ally zijn en dan zeggen mogen we je kasteel zien en dan opeens enemy en dan overnemen is dat niet ************************************************************************************************************** skirre?

    Vertrouw zombitch niet

    « Crew Clavus: Praat Engels. »

    Heey is this normal?

    I have a ally and they ask me can we see your house?

    I say: yes sure we're ally so why not

    When we're into my house they say: nice nice

    And then they attacked us and claimed our house and taked our stuff

    Don't trust realism stupid nazi's :s

    Its just a way of raiding, but easier.. I already apologied to kingeric. Mungol does it too, and other factions. Mostly we raid fair. But this time we were lazy, and didt had much time. Greetings, ZomBitch

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