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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Corby.

    "Edit" By now I kinda do.

    Again, you raged. That is a bit immature again isnt it? Stop saying i'm very immature when you are the one who rages and makes childish comments.

  2. Next map, prodiguild is going DOWN. Imma make DAMN SURE that happens.

    If you're gonna hack again, maybe. But we could take you down while you guys were relogging, so stop being too confident about yourselfes. The Company isnt very good in pvp, i doubt you guys will take ProdiGuild down.

    This is the point where your own words put a big ass object in your ars.... Werent your people the ones who said, lemme quote this correctly: "They had all full diamond gear at the first day" Well. Fill out the blanks yourself friend. Besides, we were just warming up before be got banned. You'll see Pentakill rocking your face. You know I kinda know alot about being banned becouse we did get banned alot (our clan). Not cuz of hacking. Cuz the admin had too much work. On one of the servers we were (an average of 50 people online a day) we had 2-3 ban request a day. One of the reasons we got banned for is just being too much to handle. But u'll see. We have a scethual. You'll see. All I can say for now ;)

    We did not make diamond armor for the first 2 weeks, errm. After that 2 guys had it. We only used iron armor, erm. PS: Come out and play<3

  3. Next map, prodiguild is going DOWN. Imma make DAMN SURE that happens.

    If you're gonna hack again, maybe. But we could take you down while you guys were relogging, so stop being too confident about yourselfes. The Company isnt very good in pvp, i doubt you guys will take ProdiGuild down.

  4. Lastion, Zombitch exploited three thousand diamonds last map.

    It's called using a glitch which is added in the game, it whasn't mine idea actually. For anyone who did not know what we used to get all those diamonds, we used the Duplication glitch from 1.7.2.

    That whas childish and stupid. We like to apology for that. Also Xsissel.. We play fair, and i would never abuse the Admin powers. I'm on this server for over a year now, and i'm getting 15 soon. Maybe i'll just wait till im 16, when i'm more grown up. Thanks, ZomBitch

  5. Name: XxZomBitchxX

    Age: 14

    Server: Minecraft server.

    Reasons to become admin: There are alot of people that would like another admin on the server, and since Dr.Minky failed, i'd like giving it a chance. Also, there are alot of hackers lately on the server. (Faction wars)

    Any other information about me: I'm online over 4 hours a day (Mostly) and i know almost every player on the server pretty well, and they know me.(not IRL)

    Do you have experience with being admin? Yes, i have been admin on 1 server, MineBlocks. It's offline now but it had over 10 people online a day. I know most of the important commands and mods, and i know when it's lagg or hacks. And i'm sure Corby and i can work together if i get to know him better. I doubt if i will be accepted, but i thought i'd give it a try. Greetings, ZomBitch.

  6. Ore hack? You KNOW that half the people on the server use that, even you said you use that a month or so ago, I'm sure that the massive stack of... 20 diamonds in our chest, half of which I traded for slime, show just how close an eye you need to keep on them :V I used ore hacks for coal and slimes,

    And with that you mean LukeSTD and Wezrine have it too, i'm pretty sure about that.

  7. I wouldn't say we're the most powerful, certainly the best building wise

    Again, Lol'd. If the aim was to the best "building wise" then I wouldn't be so confident. Just wait until the building contest.

    Y u questchun everyting i say corbeh

    I was clearly talking in terms of the faction server as it is at the minute, you're always extremely negative to me..

    No its just you guys comfirming you're the best builders on the server, but me and corby builded an cube, extremely defensive, not so pretty. But who knows how we build when we want to build for the beauty. And i didt even knew prodiguild whas there until 3 days ago.. o.o

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