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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Prodiguild is one of the strongest factions on the server.

    I do agree your base is beautiful from the inside, but me and oogappeltje got in within 10 seconds :pipe: Its a faction wars server, not a goddang minecraft contest! And why would you start a topic about this? ;P But i do know we have a good resistance for the contest, which we're not gonna win anyway. :yeah:

  2. Glad you agree!

    Grass hopper ill be more than happy to come and open the nether door for your faction when you need it, I like to keep good trading relationships

    So we gotta wait for you to open the doors everytime we gotta go in the nether... ;o

  3. Ofcourse i wish you goodluck, but still i havent seen you on that much, or on the forums. Personally i like to stay with Corby. Tbh (Not to be rude) If there would be one more admin i would choose other people.. After all, i still like to wish you the very best luck.

  4. So yeah, we made a portal from our base, and when we get in the portal, the faction ProdiGuild clamed the nether, and we cant get in the nether now. Maybe you can unclaim all their land, its kinda annoying from people to claim the nether like that, and now other people cant get in too. GoDKN.pngweqnG.png

  5. Let the map man, just download a multi-world plugin for PVP world and Creative world?

    That might actually be a good idea, at the spawn there could be a sign to teleport to the creative mode world (I have seen this on other servers but not with creative mode) And the other people can still raid and build their bases on the factionwars server..

  6. You mean the floor and wall I had I rip up and move? Little fucker. Wish I was at freshers and you were building because you have nothing to do with your life. Even worse with the lag and map resets I farmed and placed the same 12 stacks of dirt 3 or 4 times.

    In other news, oblivion tnt'ed our wall to no consequence and claimed land where our grass was going to grow. Weegazza also wants me banned because I burnt him to death and stole his shit when he was running around our base. Administration is really lacking on this server, why am I not permabanned?

    Edit: quoting apparently doesn't work on phones. But this @Corby

    Yeah, if you guys need any cobble to finish that wall, we would like to help, we know how annoying it is to get attacked while working on a base.. ;P

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