I wasn't judging the game, I was actually judging the graphics, not the game itself. EDIT: Another screenshot of WarZ , it doesn't look that bad. The water looks good, the graphics aren't bad actually.
Seeing as my pc can't handle arma 2 / arma 3 , I'm glad that there are more copies incoming of Day Z. Too bad I don't have an xbox, instead of that I have a crappy ps3. Altough War Z might be interesting, but the graphics are a bit less .. catchy ? We'll see.
It wasn't whimplash. People hacked into the minecraft servers, blabla bla. just click here. EDIT: It did happen. People told me notch logged in, the fake notch.
What about removing enchanting / brewing stands in 1.3 ? I liked minecraft way more the way it used to be. (when it still required skill instead of enchantments and potions)