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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. Alright. I don't have the money for a new pc, I do have the money for a new video card, if a video card will make it able for me to normally play at a low resolution.
  2. You're telling me, that if I would buy a new video card, I'll be able to play arma 2 without any problems ?
  3. It plays with less then 10 FPS. -Very low- -3D resolution: lowest- -Resolution 1088 x (..)-
  4. Never mind. It seems my CPU is the problem, Too bad I don't have the money for it the next couple of months. *sigh* http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2235/naamloosamt.jpg EDIT: Seeing as I really would like to play DayZ, if anyone has a way to boost your FPS and/or reduce lag, please tell me.
  5. Hey, I'll need a new video card for my pc, the one who I currently have is terrible, and I need a new one. If anyone has some advice , please post it. What about this one ? Price: 1/ less then 60 $ 2/ less then 100 $ I don't want to have an ultimate super-video card from hundreds of dollars, it'll need to be a cheap one.
  6. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    Installed it. Not working. Installed it. Not working.
  7. beep

    happy birthday

  8. Sacrevy


  9. happy birthday !
  10. *waves hand*
  11. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    Buying it friday, I'm there in the weekends.
  12. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    he's infected. kill it. kill it with fire.
  13. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    25 dollars. That'll do.
  14. Sacrevy

    Day Z

  15. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    ARMA II - Operation arrowhead costs 15 $ in the shop, does it needs Arma 2 bought to run it ?
  16. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    Thank you minkey.. .. Did I say I bought the game ? :< I'm thinking about buying it, it would rock if there was a place to download it free though..
  17. Sacrevy

    Day Z

    This looks awesome. Downloading it, it all looks a bit confusing. EDIT: It costs money, should I buy it or.. ?
  18. Looks epic. Good job.
  19. Good luck
  20. Bumbed the minecraft-forum topic. I do know this isn't the topic where you should get more ideas to earn greencoins, altough getting some diamonds and greencoins a vote is a very nice way to promote the server and get it close to top-ranked. The way to use this, is using Votifier. It'll let the game know who voted and you can set up a reward to those who voted daily (xp levels , diamonds, iron, greencoins)
  21. Exactly. But we need more people on this server, the idea to give a reward for those who vote is great, it will increase the population of the server.
  22. I like the voting idea though, or just make it like every vote is worth 10 diamonds & 10 GC, its's a very populair way to get this server close to top ranked. (people will vote daily, and the more people come , the more people will vote daily) (people won't vote unless they get something for it)
  23. There will be too many exploits to farm thousand and thousands of GC in minecraft. There are some options though, 1/ Earn GC whilst helping the server 200GC: Ban appeal 700GC: Duping exploit 300GC: Selfmade-Server trailer 50/100GC: Creating a topic on the official minecraft forum (only if allowed) 20GC: Voting on the server (every day = worth 20 GC)* (there could be more options here) *It is possible to automatically give rewards to the people who voted.
  24. Most of the servers have the ability to use /spawn, and if you exit the spawn, there's no way back. (as mathijs already said)
  25. What did I miss ?
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