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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Yes but you have to be sure that your PSU (Power Supply Unit) is able to give enough power for a second video card or a better video card.

    How do I get to know that ?

    I would also download windows 7 of piratebay

    Link ? :V

  2. Alright.

    I don't have the money for a new pc, I do have the money for a new video card,

    if a video card will make it able for me to normally play at a low resolution.

  3. That's mainly because of your video card. My friend has a shitty CPU, like 2.2 ghz and it plays Arma II like a gem.

    You're telling me, that if I would buy a new video card, I'll be able to play arma 2 without any problems ?

  4. That's the recommended CPU. You don't need to have an i5 to be able to play it.

    It plays with less then 10 FPS.

    Your cpu meets the minium requirements though. What resolution are you running the game at?

    -Very low-

    -3D resolution: lowest-

    -Resolution 1088 x (..)-

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