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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Lets make an serious application for this.

    IGN: XxZomBitchxX

    Current faction: Wilderness :meh:

    Why would you like to join us? Because i'd like to be in a serious faction, not one of those that gets raided / griefed every couple of days, and I like the members of this one.

    Why would we let you in? Uhh, I have quite some experience with minecraft, and I would put alot of effort in this faction..

    How long do you play minecraft / how much experience do you have with faction wars ? Uhu, I play minecraft since alpha came out, I play for at least over 7 months on this server, and as I said, I have experience with faction wars and how things go on this server.

  2. Argh, those fire aspects are mine, anyway, we're still getting footage of you using bypass hacks to get into our base, and you guys found the secret lever to open the door *cough* x-ray *cough* , and you used reach hack to pull the lever, which opened the piston door, then you 'automatic fired' with bows, I guess thats new.. ;O , and then you used some kind of auto click + auto aim ? It whas crazy shit. But once we get it recorded, you guys shall be banned, you guys owe me 4 fire aspects..

    Stop hacking, play it fair.

  3. This might be the 3rd topic about illegal download sites, but it seems the world is stopping illegal downloading sites and others, internet security is getting bigger, and they're heavily secured. Here in holland, www.thepiratebay.org almost got disabled in this country, thank the goverments for quitting that order, and megaupload has been taken down. Anyway, if you'd like to post any information about new blocked / illegal sites, post it here.

    Current sites which have been taken down ;


    Thepiratebay.org (in some countries)

  4. Gameserver: The left 4 Green Minecraft server.

    Age: 15

    Country of origin: The Netherlands.

    Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047518121

    Link to Xfire profile **: :unsure:

    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:


    Hello, it's zombitch, I would like to be an admin because I think the server needs one, there are alot of spammers these days and I'm online pretty often to catch these instead of making screenshots and uploading them. The server is lagging alot of these 'spammers' , we need to get rid of them. Also, I would need to watch my maturity as I'm still a child, I know. I will be recording before banning someone, so I could show them why I banned them, and I could watch and update the hacker reporting topic, it doesn't get updated that much. And I could try to get more in common with other people from the server and maybe add in a few new idea's for the server, there's alot I would try to do as an admin. I would also like to discuss the idea of mathijs, to add some changes to the spawn and maybe more, and if needed fix some ruined land and nazi symbolisms, thanks for your time to look at this.

  5. ryuushima

    maybe you can join i like this ill ask for zombitch

    but about the faction your in now is it a good faction so yes we mustt skype about something

    You cunt, it whas a troll , and you're not even in our faction? =/

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