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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. Agree, make it a bit longer, correct the english and it will be a notable app.
  2. Ok
  3. I have a question on killing yourself before the zombies are chosen: Some farmers or noobs kill themselves to be behemoth, well I know if you do that several times in a row you can get yourself banned. Buuut some really stupid people just kill themselves before the zombies are chosen just to be zombie IS THIS AGAINST THE RULEZ?
  4. Oh that sux man!


    IW is being really buisy lately..

    evry day like 20 people online :o

  5. maybe you have seen it but for the people who havent : enjoy! Take 4 LOL
  6. XD it's so funny, you can put almost anything under the movie. But L4D RULEZ!
  7. your new is sign is awesome!

  8. Lot's of people know this exploit: you get to be bones, you put your baby on the top of the building and you can get out side of the map (i have no idea how you do that as special forces but I believe there is a way) This would be funny unless certain noobs (or not) will start to use it to get achievements. I was playing the map de port today and they'r where atleast 8 bones just walking and jumping around outside the map. I dont want to be a fun ruiner but I really think map de port would be way cooler to play without this exploit. Thx for reading and I hope it will be fixed.
  9. Agree with evrything that you say, if you would just go around and start to shoot every zombie that you see then you are dead before you know it.. Just be careful and, as you say avoid other survivors coes that just brings more trouble!
  10. Omg! So nice, just like hundred2 that made my day!
  11. Saaacry!


    Pown them zombies!

  12. I live in a little town called Sappemeer but no one knows it I think.. Lol, you can find the train to Sappemeer in the game Painkiller Oh K cause i know this guy in my village that is a freakin noob, but if your not him you would probably do just fine
  13. I saw this one before it is: E P I C freakin cool, that intro is used in some kind of hardstyle song but I dont remember which one
  14. That looks really awesome just like the other one!
  15. Where do you live in groningen cause i might know you..
  16. What is he doing with Eli lol. What do you think he is doing?
  17. Yeah exactly, he would fit to be an admin, but lately there are lot's of guys that want to become admin. We have to sort out the bad from the good >
  18. random and stupid I have exactly the same problem!
  19. The same as google i hope i'll even get a place It's from LOTR.. (just click on it to view it larger)
  20. There is a achievement that you need to kill 4 turrets in one round.. that would be impossible if they would be repareable. And iam against the m16 removal. Good stuff tho!
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