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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. The Great admin holocaust of 2010 claims another brilliant admin. Good luck out there Danni, Stay safe and remember who your TRUE brothers are! Just joking buddy, hope to hear from you soon.
  2. DELIVER COMPANIES ARE SHIT. Got to wait until Saturday. R4ge.
  3. Damn it- The box was too big for my letter box. Looks like i'm going to have to wait! RE THOSE WHO ARE ARGUING: This isn't a hate topic.
  4. I will be joining you frequently for a game of slayer. You will be missed as an admin my friend. See you very soon.
  5. Buying collectors editions isn't sad. Going out of your way to insult someone else is sad. So be quiet who ever said that. @Ninjacookie- needless and pointless comment. Thanks for wasting pixels! I'm really looking forward to the game. The multiplayer, the single player, dang... it all melds together for a seriously blistering end to Bungies take on Halo. Roll on tomorrow! (when i will hopefully get the game!)
  6. 10/10. Awesome song, and strangly moving
  7. I like you a lot as a player and you seem like a great guy. Best of luck to you Zunz!
  8. It's been a pleasure knowing you Notte. Stay safe out there.
  9. It might be a good idea to tell your mother/ family. It might seem hard and a little embarissing at first- but it will definately help you. Apart from that, stick to what the other guys have said. Get outside a little more, Sleep lots and do things that you generally enjoy. We are always here for you yoshi, remember that: but don't let it tie you down either.
  10. There is a lever that needs pulling! (this is just like Problem Sleuth, i love you Redgord)
  11. Attempt to masturbate. OR Pull that lever on the wall!
  12. Someguy in my school went on a proxy site, then went on meatspin and he was like: "hey guys, look!" He got to a spin counter of 45 and stopped. A brave soul...
  13. The reason for these two "comeback devices" towards the Wii is that people think that it emerses you. I beg to differ: What captivates you more: Sitting silently and moving your eyes and body very little and being completely face to face with the game, Or waving your arms around every time you see an enemy? Stiil, my brother may get Kinect, so +1 to that. E- 300th post!
  14. I think it's ok, just looks a little like a cluster fuck. I like the Pyro face!
  15. You seem like a really nice guy. Good luck.
  16. Have a good one, mon petit Poulet!
  17. Damnation.
  18. I'm quite up for this idea. Imagine killing your favourite community members, and imagine them crumpling at there desk and screaming at the screen as you pull off a headshot. Brilliant idea. A Yes from me!
  19. - What is it like Taking my GCSE's this year. I'm doing English, Science, Maths, PE (Mandatory), History, ICT, Sociology +French. - Do you like it? To be honest, i quite enjoy it all. Although when it comes to tests i get nervous etc, it's still good fun. - How long days you got? 5 Days a week, Standard monday-friday jobbie. - Payment? Nout- It's school after all.
  20. The Lazy Peon


    Currently the 3 way warzone is going quite well, Eh Deluvas? xD
  21. I bought this game, played it once. It was so... boring and poorly designed. If you havn't bought it yet, i advise reading some reviews.
  22. Qtesla is extreemly sexy. And probably a good admin. Good luck fellow brit.
  23. Best of luck. You seem like a really nice guy.
  24. An awesome guy. I'd love for him to be an admin... again. Got my thumbs up! Good luck Matey.
  25. Amen brother! Share the lurve!
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