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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. Heres my idea: we stop increasing tiny little percentages- they dont do anything. Due to the frantic nature of the game, small percentages make less than a second difference. To me, that makes them pointless A good idea is a drastic idea. Something that really changes the game. My suggetion would be to make ZS more accessable, yet tougher. At the moment, it's really easy for the humans to survive. There should be a 'Zombie Rampage' or something that triples the zombies damge for a while. I think there's too many ways to heal. Health should be like the games currency- Rare and very valuable. I have been firmly behind the class idea for a long time. However, i think that the current ones are a little pointless: REMOVE THE MEDIC and ThE ENGINEER Make the BERSERKER do more damage with melee- back the old version Commando is fine. Change the name to Rogue marine or something- makes the game sound more chaotic, like the world has collapsed. Make a few other classes, like a Thief (Faster movement) and Ex- Cop (Has more health, like 150) To most of the old players, ZS is dead. I think this really needs to change. There's to many memories and legends to be just forgotten. Please, some one return this game to its former glory.
  2. Follow the link and click on the first episode.
  3. This is true, i think myself and the others are simply passing opinion.
  4. Hey guys, Whilst browsing The Escapist for Zero Punctuation, i found this farcically funny internet cartoon. If you're already watching a load of internet cartoons, this one is still worth getting in to. The plot starts from this: in the land of Nudeonia, there is much evil. Doraleous, an honourable knight, gathers together a group of misfits to save the land from evil. Making enemies and very little money, Hillarity ensues. I can't reconmend it enough. Especially when the series gets into full swing. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/doraleous-and-associates?page=2 You can follow the series through from the index. It's best to start at the beginning. Also, check it out this Thursday as the second series kicks off. Awesome, just Awesome.
  5. Come to my rapehouse honey tempting but my anal is to tight for you What about my rapehouse? you know you two are always welcome :3
  6. Your app seems a little...blunt. You seem like a fairly nice guy, if a little impatient. And Mr.Green was never,and probably never will be a clan. So, my views are mixed. At the current time, i don't think you're really ready to be an admin.
  7. Awesome, Have fun!
  8. Hi all, Like many other forum monkies, I'm going on holiday. I'm going to Ireland for one week (back this saturday) As EmRA suggested, it's a good idea to compile ALL the people who are leaving us on this list. So if your going away, why don't you tell us where, why and for how long on this page! P.S Have fun!
  9. How about one that when a soldier rocket jumps and lands on someones head he insta kills them? Another idea could be a custom hat. It that would work.
  10. I sense anger here :U As i've said before, good idea. Looking forward to it.
  11. Tehehe. Im like 17 but still suck. It's brilliant. :')
  12. Sounds like good fun. Looking forward to it.
  13. That picture needs more spies in my opinion.
  14. How come i'm never in these things... 'tis frustrating. Anyways, nice list and all of it is true
  15. thats the one! Nice video again ^^
  16. Some of this movie was truely fantastic. I especially liked the vuvuzela hero part, and the Engineer/spy update thing. "Spy sapping my -dick,-dick,-dick" got me. Also, thanks for using the Guildwars music for the credits. Nearly bought a tear to my eye. It's such beautiful music- in fact it makes me want to play it again. But i'll wait for Guildwars II. ANYWAY, an easy 10/10 for me. Bon Travies, poulet!
  17. A funky new CTF server would be good. stuff like 2fort etc A ranking system would be funny- like Murderer etc (depending on Kill/death ratio and such) just for that server. Sounds stupid, but it would be quite fun.
  18. British power is the true power. Well done mate, all the best.
  19. L4G, The Escapist, Facebook, U2.com (wtf?), TF2 Blog oh and Youtube
  20. hmm, i get a higher ping than everyone else in my game. For example, i was playing a game. Every other player seemed to have around 30-50 ping. whilst i had 200. i don't know if thats the same thing as you dusty, but it's sure as fuck anoying.
  21. Like most other people in the community, i love error. So, Happy birthday buddy. Good luck in life, say no to drugs AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD stay away from that primary school. Joking mate- have a good one.
  22. Smells like Victory.
  23. Some more positivly arousing heavy skills!
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