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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon
Who ever wrot the bible was a damn good story writer. Christianity- lets face it- was a way to gain power and land in the middle ages. People were raping and killing left, right and centre... Someone had to stop the madness. Thats how christianity came about, there is nothing more that scares humans than a fear of death and the unknown. The bible answered that question: You go to heaven IF you abide by OUR rules, you get tortured if you DON'T. To me the bible is so damn obviously not written by god. Can nobody else see that?
A lot of good ideas. And the beard man thing? EPIC But we are loosing the point her ladies and gents. Mayco is correct in saying there is lots of evidence for scientific means of the creation of life. But where did it come from? and why did it happen? I want to know these things.
CHANGE OF PLANS: I will start the guild tomorrow. Please whisper my character (whome i will advertise) for an inv. Lets show this world how we play This game...
This is right on the point . Organised religion is word of man: not of god.
Nice. We will start it on the Outland server. its offical XD
Agreed. I think people see these organized gods as something to lean on in hard times. A reason to blame people for your mysery, or to fight with when you are angry. Like Neil Armstrong, after he went to the moon and saw earth hanging in the vast empty nothingness, he became very christian. I think it dawned on him that life is... frankly stupid. Millions, nay, billions of years lay in that space that wasn't even as big as his hand from where he was. Mayco is right in not believing in god, as i don't either. I believe in a creator. When i used 'god' in my last example, it was make it more understandable. This is all down to opinion, but its good to see and hear other peoples views.
here is my opinion: There is a god. Who or what he/it is, well, who knows? But i think i have a good guess. I believe that it didnt create us in its image (Most religions challenged allready). Does a slug look to its 'god' and see it as a slug? Maybe, but that doesn't mean it is correct. It created other animals too. It seems we arn't it's only invention. Other animals are evoling slowly and all have a purpose. I'm sure that God understands humans and our potentially destructive intellect. So it created various backup plans. For example, the Coc-roach. Its immune to radiation, and only a few hundred million years behind humans in evolution (a hundred million years is a relativly short period of time in volutionary terms) Our creator gave us chance to evolve. (See theory of evolution). It designed the very first elements and fundaments of life. Then it commited the ultimate act of passion: let us grow by our own will. It lets us fight in wars against ourselves and die from disease because it wants us to create our own fate. Decide where we go and what we do. Learn from our mistakes. And he knows of our violent nature. The word of man, (The bible) For me is deffinatly incorrect. What sort of god would state: 'Do not worship any false idols?' surely, if said god was the creator, it would not need to be prayed to or recognised. That would be petty and irrelevant. Some churches also ask for lots of money and time commitment. Bono (Lead singer from U2) Once said in the song 'Bullet the blue sky' (Rattle and Hum album version) "The god in believe in ain't short of cash, Mister". He has a point. But what is this god? I don't think anyone can even begin to comprehend what it actually is. But who or what created it? where the hell did it come from? These questions I don't think we are supposed to know the answer to. Some things are best left unknown. But its an idea.
Regardless of the guys skin colour, He should save the racism for somewhere else. There's pretty much no place for it in gaming. Unless it's in grand theft auto, but whatever.
Oh yer, the Demo is called Tavish. Realated to Soap from CoD? Only time will tell...
We Could play on Outland. Is it an english speaking realm?
Ye Olde fort? Jee. i dunno... If the heavy was some form of goblin, then sure. Why not! It would be a goreat mod. Nothing like a good old smitin'
Another private server could be good: but i have no idea about have to set it up. Please post how so i can compare and contrast ideas. Thanks.
It will be an official server- So yes, you will need a subscription!
Hopefully, it'll be just the way i like it: PC: FREE XBOX: POINTS PS3: NOT AT ALL Louis+Coach= What the.... Chocolate Pill Helicopters?
Hey boys and girls, Me and some ZS players Discovered (Through conversation) that we all had World of Warcraft! What a Conicydink! So the thought popped into our heads: OWAIT, MR.GREEN GUILD :3. It had to be done. It just had to... Let it be so, that from friday, a WoW guild will be created under the name <Mr.Green>! (I've checked- It's been given the all clear by Ywa) We plan to start on a fairly new, PvP based server (Undecided as of yet) and play as the horde (Lets face it, they are better) Obviously, it will be european based, So any Mr.Green player can join! We will do instances, and level together. like one big happy family. I am just posting this announcement to check how many people wished to join it: It's the best way to expand Mr.Green's clamy grasp on gaming even further! Please leave comments and feedback, And see you online very soon! Thanks again, Peon
I have the same problem with the medkit. I always have 3 or 4 files to download, but they just seem to skip. It doens't really affect gameplay apart from not having a medikit skin. And yes, Dusty is right. There is a certain percentage to start with certain guns on different classes. Pour example, the support has around 50% of getting a scout at spawn So in responce to your question: No, ZS is fucked up. Just that the file is a little glitchy and you just arn't lucky with getting the guns. XD
I think you should have like a spy game: CONCEPTS: - about 4 to 5 spies - The rest of the players are guards - The spies can disguise as guards (Obviously) and must traverse a map with various environmental hazards. - The guards have guns, but friendly fire is ENABLED. so 'spy checking' is not a good idea. - The Spies objective is to get somewhere, or secure a certain object - When all the spies, or the objective is complete, the game is over. - The Spies are randomly selected, but cannot be chosen twice in a row Also, heres another idea. CONCEPTS: - Team based shooter - Five teams of 3 (no ability to choose your team. To stop hardcore players banding together. Although, this may cause some players to stop playing. Could be done either by choice or randomly. how about both?) - Upgrade using points that are gathered from kills and objectives (Think GC) - A range of low level abilites as well as high level ones, to keep new players interested.So a range of powerful weapons for the n00bs, and lolcannons for the hardcores. - Have titles for X amount of headshots, victories, clans - Make PLENTY of unlocks. Weapons, perks, voice clips... the works. - Ranks that ARE NOT generic. So no Pvt, Corporal. Think more along the lines of: One Man Army, Complete Saydist, Malevolant Dwarf etc - Have custmoizable skins (Although, thats not necessary and would be though to code) - Make it fun: Funny quips and plenty of blood. - Classes? Maybe like. GRUNT: All round .PYSCO: Excellent melee damage. MARKSMAN: Assault rifles etc. PYROMANIAC: Loves explosives and fire. There is a lot of possibilites. The idea is not to be ordinary -Plenty of game modes: Meat flag, DM, TDM, Capture the flag, Bomb squad (Blow some shit up), Killer (2 lives each) etc etc. I know i would play this till my eyes bled. However, Crash n Smash does sound excellent. This is just an idea: To be used or thrown away i dont mind. It was fun thinking of it. Thanks, Peon.
I dont know car too well. He's quiet, Unlike myself . However, he is a very friendly player and seems to be funny and has a sense of justice. There are lots of other hopeful admins, So Try to speak up a little more. Peon
I'd definatly vote for dusty. Friendly, doesn't rage, funny... What more can you ask? Apart from a sense of justice... WHICH HE ALSO POSSESES Good luck dusty, See you on Mr.Greens soon :3 Peon
Phil is a great guy. Sure hes a bit quite sometimes- but hes very funny and doesnt bullshit anyone. The Alliance of PEIL is an example of how social he is (Peon +Phil= PEIl. Nice i know ^^). i would HIGHLY Reconmend him. Hes good for the community- not just the servers. Another thing to note is he rarely rages. a good attribute in a person i believe. Good look to you, phil. Please vote for this n00b, it'll make him happy ;D (I'm kidding) peon
Yeah, Holy's a nice guy. Good application. I'd recconmend him from knowing him ingame. Good luck holy, ans see you on ZS
hey there!
Im The Lazy Peon. Find me on ZS or on TF2. Head of Serial Killers anonymous.
Any questions or Friends requests/ Talk to me on Steam
Guys! this isnt my app Please check the one called Lazy's Admin application II That's the correct one sorry for any confusinon Peon
Buliding on what Chainsaw siad, a little bit aggressive, but to be an admin you need to be fair, not a dictatorship. Good luck anyway, Peon