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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SDK

  1. @NITROX If you do /freeravebreak, does it happen too?
  2. A preview picture would be nice
  3. I'm pretty sure it's because those things use webbrowser elements to show fancy HUD. We updated our servers from MTA 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 a few days ago, I didn't think it would cause many issues. Is your MTA client up to date?
  4. Could it be the animated custom rainbow paintjob me or Kali once made
  5. Items can't be moved/removed from an account so that can't be it. There was a database crash where data from July 2013 until July 2014 was lost, maybe that's the reason?
  6. It's weird how Yoshi can be the voice of reason sometimes
  7. Update by bierbuikje v0.2 Now you can do custom list of vehicles on NTS checkpoints
  8. The whole point of blocker mode is that it only is a punishment. If Sandy has found a way to exploit it and is looking to use it, he deserves a bigger punishment imo, like moshpit suggest a ban.
  9. BinSlayer made it originally, but people wanted it gone. I thought it was a cool concept though and wanted to try it out as a perk, kinda forgot about it afterwards.
  10. It was a part of gameplay before it was a perk and it was even more bullshit then, that's why I made it a perk. Afterwards I wanted to remove it again, but I was too lazy to do it. So stop saying it's yoshi and reese's fault and blame me. I made a mistake adding that perk and keeping it for that long. Ywa also said he's against the current implementation and Reese just made some very good points. It's a Pay 2 Win perk, which we always tried to avoid. Others perks are only cosmetical or give very minor/fun advantages that don't feel unfair. I agree the gameplay it provides can be fun, so I'm working on a gamemode based around this perk
  11. SDK


    You're a god damn genius, I'm buying some shrimp boats
  12. https://forum.mtasa.com/topic/89984-multi-theft-auto-san-andreas-153-released/
  13. Single-Core Score Multi-Core Score 3971 12192 API Score 122603 https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/751545 https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/compute/155720
  14. But that's how it is right now, no one just notices it
  15. Just tested, still works
  16. I disabled purchase, should run out in 30 days. It used to be for everyone, and it was not fun then too, we'll see what we do with it. I feel like its fine now, ping limit is 250ms untill 0AM, after that its 350ms. * I absolutely agree with this as well. I remember back in the day for a while people who were AFK were kicked I believe. Can't we just get that back? Not after 30 seconds but after 3 minutes or something. Also, sometimes there's only seven people actually playing but we're still in different dimensions because the rest of the server is being idle. A lot of players get their GC by abusing this system, that can't be what it's meant for... If you are AFK you only get half the reward, so it's already better to stay active. * Plus it keeps the playercount up. Source? Everyone would like a better scoreboard for teams, but people in teams like to be grouped together too. That shouldn't happen indeed
  17. http://race.mrgreengaming.com:22005/scoreboard/ and http://racemix.mrgreengaming.com:22005/scoreboard/
  18. I'm getting a gtanet #mrgreen irc era nostalgia feeling in it, feels good @Duby @NECROSSIN @Quad_Tube come try it
  19. Serverside moveObject probably is better because triggerClientEvent has more delay and more overhead data (you can even notice the objects stuttering a bit in the vid) But honestly it doesn't matter much, if it works and is fun it works, so keep mapping
  20. You shouldn't have to do that, if you rotate objects serverside it will be synced to the clients automatically (and in a more efficient and safer way). Nice job though, I always wanted maps like this, keep on creating!
  22. SDK

    gc trials

    Hail Aleks he did what I couldnt
  23. Made my giveaways, steam keys for DNF and CIV V, they will in 2 weeks. You need to be in the MRGreen steam group to be able to join: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mrgreen Sign in on https://www.steamgifts.com/ , then you can join these: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/f9k3t/duke-nukem-forever https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/lvmU8/sid-meiers-civilization-v
  24. Thanks everyone, I did have a lot of fun with you guys To celebrate I wanted to give away Duke Nukem Forever and Sid Meier's Civilization V (from humble) . Planned to do it through steamgifts.com since I know how to use it. I'll let you know later
  25. SDK

    Help me ASAP

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/12120/ bought it in a sale and I don't regret it buying a second time Easiest fix
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