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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SDK

  1. Tried compatibility mode?
  2. Are you new here? Or did it start happening at some point Also try disabling stuff in /settings
  3. Yep was a bug with not resetting between maps
  4. Changed /duel, now the last two players have to use the cmd to start/accept it themselves.
  5. I promise multiroom will arrive before Hl3!
  6. Moved conversation to here
  7. Conversation continues here RTF is basically DM with respawn yes, and I like DM maps too. I'd love to add the mode to mix, but I don't think it fits in the mix environment atm. MIX is more liked because of its doable/fun/random/fighting modes. Deathmatch is about toptimes, memorizing and perfecting shortcuts, which is a lot more like racing. Idk what to do with it, make a 3rd server for hard maps? Wait and hope for multiroom?
  8. Sounds more like an issue with the high ping detector We don't ban for lagging
  9. I agree with Jack, you're whining and insulting map makers all the time. It gets very tiresome. You fail to realize how toxic you are sometimes. Also the fact you directly went to me and other admins to get a silent unmute is pretty stupid. And 'jack is the new SDK' as a title? NO AVOIDING (IRC OR LAPTOPS)
  10. Take a screenshot with scoreboard so I can see dims plz
  11. I lowered the threshold so there's less chance of you being alone, but don't expect any big changes to dimensions until we get a rooms server (soon? never?). Now a lecture about how dimensions are currently scripted (and how they are intended to work, ignoring bugs): On map start: if players > 29, there will be 2 dimensions, else if players > 40 there will be 3. Players are sorted in dimensions by their rank on the previous map, so who ranked 1st to ~15th will be in dim 0, rest will be in dim 1. After reaching the dimension checkpoint, the script starts checking several things: If you are dead/spectating/afk it will move you to dim 0. If there is no one around you in ~75 units in all dimensions (this maybe needs to change) it will move you to dim 0 If there are less than 5 alive players in your dimensions, it will move everyone to dim 0 After moving you to dim 0 and if you are alive, you will be granted ghostmode for 5 seconds. After that the script will start checking if players in your dimensions are far enough (~20 units) and disable it then. I know the script can be buggy, but I think the freezing is an mta/computer issue. I remember having it on my old pc but it disappeared after a while, check some settings to increase your performance.
  12. This new forum is fancy, embedding replies from other topics
  13. To add to this, I agree that the video isn't very reliable, but like mosh said an ambulance isn't supposed to be there. Also this guy has been on my "I'm about to ban you" list for a while, so from now on every time he get's banned it will be previous duration * 2.
  14. That's one of the original MTA maps, I'm veto'ing
  15. Could be a map script to remove poles, doesn't have to be cheated
  16. Weapons are not enabled, it's a bug because of how the map was scripted
  17. I've been getting a lot of requests for help with lost account logins, so here are some tips that will help you/us with recovering. First we will need to find the actual account, after that we can help recovering it. Got your email? Use the password recovery tool to get a new password https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/lostpassword/ If you can't find your account: Use the member search to search on name, joindate, Steam, Skype, greencoins: https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/search/. Emails Names Steam Minecraft Approximate joindate Last active date Approximate greencoins count MTA serial Ingame purchases Post these here or contact Ywa/me to help finding your account. I (SDK) can help you find stuff, but only Ywa can change your email/password. Alternatively you can send us an email: [email protected]
  18. SDK


    Si si muey bueno
  19. Kali's new script was going to fix that, but I think @KaliBwoy has been busy with the hard truth of real life.
  20. Declined
  21. I added it to GUI yesterday so it doesn't matter anymore
  22. SDK

    Ban Req.

    Need better proof imo
  23. I don't get why so many people lose access to their email .... Yeah you probably should contact Ywa then
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