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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SDK

  1. @Cena https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/MTA-Resources/blob/master/resources/[gameplay]/gcshop/items/items_s.lua It hasn't changed in years and certainly does not run automatically, it happens when you press 1 You can look in your MTA keybinds for gcflipv2 and change the key
  2. Quite a surprise, must've been a big decision for both of you. Good luck to both
  3. No one asked about it
  4. I already made something like that (press 1 or /gcflipv2), it's similar to the change spawn command https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/MTA-Resources/blob/master/resources/[gameplay]/gcshop/items/items_s.lua#L10
  5. I'm the one who added it a long time ago. The idea was indeed to stop teaming, but I didn't want to remove it completely, so it's a 50% chance https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/MTA-Resources/blob/master/resources/[race]/race/modes/shooter.lua#L531
  6. Yep some moron added it like that I added /mapflash so you can disable it
  7. Chroma Squad steam key if someone wants it RF857-MCFE3-J_JQ9 Replace the underscore with a 4
  8. Well you got me intrigued so I added a quick command in the test resource. Everyone can test it out. You need to do it on every map. /lodrange 300 Works really great on titten 2 @hulpje This is the code (yes only one line sue me im a vago) addCommandHandler('lodrange', function(p,dis) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType'object') do engineSetModelLODDistance(getElementModel(v), tonumber(dis)) end end) I don't think you need to create a new object @Iwasawa, engineSetModelLODDistance only increases the distance attribute of an object before the lod is loaded (or becomes invisible if no LOD), it doesn't make it a LOD object. Great job though, nice thinking.
  9. Did you disable all graphics enhancements in /settings? Also what is the fps limit on those others servers
  10. Could be that a map has messed with infernus handling, so I have reset infernus handling to default on both servers. Can you see if your problem is fixed?
  11. SDK


    @Ywa The unread content page does not seem to be accessible Sorry, there is a problem The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 2S100/2
  12. I was looking into it, and it might have something to do with the country system Aleks added to toptimes (player not having a country for some reason)
  13. I have checked the log and indeed there was an error when updating your toptime [2017-07-20 11:45:32] WARNING: [race]\race_toptimes\tops.lua:261: dbExec failed; (1062) Duplicate entry '23024-race-ywa-omgwtfbbq' for key 'PRIMARY' Now the question is why, does anyone know if something changed with the map? Edit: well I attempted a fix, let me know if it still happens
  14. Apparently it can be disabled in MTA, https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled [5:35 AM] Necktrox: extraairresistance - toggle the vehicle speed limit on cross-country roads (default: true)
  15. I checked on my safari and don't have the problem, try disabling addons / private browsing mode?
  16. Posting this here for the ones who missed the announcement, HB has a weeklong deal: 40 known indie games + some comics for 30$. Most of them have Steam trading cards too, so you can recover some money on the market. https://www.humblebundle.com/freedom
  17. SDK

    Vista bloqueada

    Go in /settings and disable the custom radar
  18. SDK

    Help me out

    The dropbox link doesn't work for me either
  19. Added, hope it works
  20. @Rokkas Try joining now, I added a whitelist. You should join but be kicked afterwards. Give me your serial and I'll add it to the whitelist (type serial in F8)
  21. Unfortunately it's needed, otherwise it's to easy to avoid serial bans by simply creating a vm... Did you try WINE? Edit: actually we might be able to create a serial whitelist
  22. For cargame: I moved the loading to the start of the resource so it should stay in memory permanently now Let me know if that helps issues/312
  23. I'm trying to fix it but need more info since I don't have the problem myself Like in the other topic was posted, it only happens the second time a CG map is started? Also update to the latest mta version from here https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ (windows full installer 1.5) Can you open task manager and check what process is using the most CPU when it hangs?
  24. We are talking about it here
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