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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Double penetration?
  2. Perfect song for this day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I didn't like it. What must I say?

    3. TechnoNegro


      im not even want to click that link.


    4. rui_troia
  3. tropical weather in Holland, need to work 8 1/2 hours... FML

  4. Oh... I'm feeling really dumb right now. But thnx for the info.
  5. Hey, I went to the magicans monolith but it says: Under construction. When can we use it again? Greetz.
  6. To all minecraft moderators, can you make justcallmepr0 the leader of Blue?

  7. Corby I play now on my friends account, called: Justcallmepr0. He doesn't play minecraft anymore, so could you make that account the faction leader? That's all I am asking for. And I've learned from my mistake's.
  8. I've edited the post with the good format and a better explaination Still nope. Buy a new MC account if you wish to play, you can still unlink your old banned account and relink it with a new one. The 3k you spent is lost unfortunately. 'I understand. If you would take the time to think about a temporary ban ? I fully understand your reply due to the fact I used x-ray, which is a permanent ban..
  9. I've edited the post with the good format and a better explaination
  10. 1. Your ingame name - Justcallmepro 2. Date of your ban - 15 August 2012. 3. What game/server are you banned from - Mr.Green faction wars. 4. Who banned you - X-Ray detection. 5. Reason why you got banned - x-ray. 6. Reason why we should unban you - 'I've recently donated for 11.000 Greencoins; even though that's not a reason to unban me, I am here enjoying the server for a very long time, nearly over a year. I regret that I used x-ray, and I've already removed it. I know there's no reason to unban me, but I'd give it a shot.
  11. i agree, anyway good luck Thank you.
  12. It is like 8/10month's ago. ;x
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