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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Justcallmepro

  1. Perfect song for this day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I didn't like it. What must I say?

    3. TechnoNegro


      im not even want to click that link.


    4. rui_troia
  2. tropical weather in Holland, need to work 8 1/2 hours... FML

  3. Oh... I'm feeling really dumb right now. But thnx for the info.
  4. Hey, I went to the magicans monolith but it says: Under construction. When can we use it again? Greetz.
  5. To all minecraft moderators, can you make justcallmepr0 the leader of Blue?

  6. Corby I play now on my friends account, called: Justcallmepr0. He doesn't play minecraft anymore, so could you make that account the faction leader? That's all I am asking for. And I've learned from my mistake's.
  7. I've edited the post with the good format and a better explaination Still nope. Buy a new MC account if you wish to play, you can still unlink your old banned account and relink it with a new one. The 3k you spent is lost unfortunately. 'I understand. If you would take the time to think about a temporary ban ? I fully understand your reply due to the fact I used x-ray, which is a permanent ban..
  8. I've edited the post with the good format and a better explaination
  9. 1. Your ingame name - Justcallmepro 2. Date of your ban - 15 August 2012. 3. What game/server are you banned from - Mr.Green faction wars. 4. Who banned you - X-Ray detection. 5. Reason why you got banned - x-ray. 6. Reason why we should unban you - 'I've recently donated for 11.000 Greencoins; even though that's not a reason to unban me, I am here enjoying the server for a very long time, nearly over a year. I regret that I used x-ray, and I've already removed it. I know there's no reason to unban me, but I'd give it a shot.
  10. i agree, anyway good luck Thank you.
  11. It is like 8/10month's ago. ;x
  12. Minecraft name: Justcallmepro Faction name: Blue
  13. So, just say: Hey welcome back. hey, welcome back. i dont know you and i dont play minecraft but Thnx mate.
  14. So, just say: Hey welcome back.
  15. Heey, the faction Blue is back in the game, after a couple of month's we (Faction members and me) decided to start on this server again. Some people will know us and other people will notice us. Greetz, Justcallmepro.
  16. This is not acceptable.. There is a faction called: NAZIS And the owner has a hitler skin? And if someone scold with cancer is he get a ban then?
  17. 1. no 2. no 3. no i had full hearts 4. I dont think so 5. He didn't had a armor..
  18. No.. it was green so not near broken
  19. How is this possible... 0.0 I was fighting Danielpotter and i had full diamond armor and diamond sword and full hearts and he gots a iron sword and he came to me and killed me with 2/3 hits?
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