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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. I love how all of you are implying that there is actually a difference between any teams in mix other than the clan tag.
  2. OMG, Shaky, you lucky asshole, lol. Well congratulations, and you too, MADKILLER. Was a very fun contest, props to r0ck.
  4. plz 1111
  5. DONE MADKILLER, don't bother, I 100% have the right answer now, so yeah.
  6. That is such a beautiful compliment coming from you, it would be quoted in my signature right now if we still had those.
  7. Hope you realize that just screaming your favourite gamemodes into each other's faces, makes the chance of there actually be done something with exactly 0%.
  8. Alright, hope you can still drop by once in a while.
  9. "...except when I'm really really stoned"
  10. Very strange to read these words from the Mix Map Assitant, one of the crew members in charge of making sure these issues don't occur in maps. If a map forces you to drive through the SF toll gate, you should immediately have the map fixed or removed. Same with any other map that contains spaces too narrow, hills too steep or tunnels too low for all vehicles to go through. And sure, Grizzly, it happens all too often that a person drives up the small ledge leading to SF Freeway in a Combine, and you are stuck behind him because there is no room to pass. If avoiding these clusterfuck situations are your main goal, then we should not only remove the Combine but also the Dumper, Packer, Monster Trucks, buses, fire trucks... in fact, let's just delete all the inconvenient vehicles and stick to the fastest ones and we are back to making race maps again. Just saying... the core charm of NTS is it's randomness and chaos. That is exactly what makes it so different from race. In Race, there is always 100% consistency, 100% the same for everyone and the goal for racers is to create the most stability, to master the most knowledge, minimize the odds and eventually to puzzle out the fastest route to take and get closest to the absolute perfect answer to the course. In Never The Same, it is the opposite, it is about constantly dealing with unexpected scenario's, quickly succumbing to things happening around you, to maximize the little influence you have but you will never have your fate fully in your hands. I think it's important that the supply of influential elements (the vehicles) should be big and diverse, while not losing balance (which is why RC Choppers are removed because their lack of speed and control differ too much from other vehicles). But all these factors per player, make situations even more diverse with more players around you, who themselves form an unexpectable aspect of your journey. And vortex, I really don't understand what the problem with that is, yes it is a unique vehicle but that to me is just a good reason to keep it in rotation. There is actually one vehicle I would like to see removed from play, and that is the big ass plane. AT-400, or Andromada, or maybe even both, not sure. That goes beyond the league of how map makers can deal with limitations. They are just too gigantic to fit in the rest of the gameplay. Last thing. The original Never The Same map, after thousands of plays, still being by far the most favourited map and being bought a couple of times every day. And yet, every single time I see people not being able to fit their vehicle into the tunnel. Hello? Map managers? I'd really like to know why that bug has never been fixed.
  11. [RACE] Sultans of Swing by martin11. [RACE]Green City Lights by SuDMalis.
  12. @Hugo: Stop acting like I'm an idiot, I'm sure you understand very well why I banned you so deal with it.
  13. I muted you, not for the first time, for being too rude to players and insulting their nationalities/religion (mainly Turkish people and Islam). After that, you returned in the server with some provocative names like 'Allah' and 'ProphetMuhammed', and even though a LOT of Turkish players felt offended by it and begged me to make more action, I allowed those names to be used. Until you changed your name to "REMOVE KEBAB" and it became very clear to me that you were continuing to be disrespectful and that a mute was not enough to stop it, so you left me no choice but to ban you. It is strange that you claim to agree with my decision to mute you. If you know that you were being too rude to players and that that is not allowed, then I don't understand why you just continue that behavior through your nickname. Anyway, I like you as a player, and I don't like banning you, but you left me no choice. Hopefully you understand this and in the future you will be respectful to other players in the server.
  14. Homies 4 life
  15. I don't know, that speed thing is totally different from the one on Mr. Green. There are some weird places where you lose your nitro-speed if you release it, like one of the bridges that leads to San Fierro for example. EDIT: Oh nevermind, you already said that.
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