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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. BlueYoshi97


  2. Meh, not a real fan of dubstep music. 5/10
  3. yo what's your race tutorial video topic again?

    1. MegasXLR


      You're lucky I actually visited my profile lol


  4. Aleks don't feel negative, you worked so hard for the event and we all enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm really looking forward to the next one already. Thanks for the good organisation!
  5. You know the name of the map it was in? The full song should be in one of the downloaded race-maps in your MTA files.
  6. This is probably a stupid idea, but what if people who want to like or dislike a map have to give a reason why?
  7. Lol @ NTS
  8. I'll be there at some point, but when we're going to play DD I have one request. The map with the caddies, the glass and the Andromeda! If you don't have it I can make one for you.
  9. Ik ben niet zo van een glimlach faken voor de camera.
  10. This is me: I also made a quick drawing yesterday of a random moment in Mr. Green Race server. The plane thing is supposed to be Moshpit by the way.
  11. Lol, very cool video!
  12. It's just a misunderstanding. Unban him, forgive each other and go and have fun in the server again.
  13. That would probably cause a lot of chaos, lol. I agree though, either give the perk to everyone, but that would just make it a game of tag, or preferably remove it altogether. In normal gameplay you can already put others on fire by exploding right next to them, so that itself should be a fun enough gameplay element because it's something you need to watch out for. By the way, Destruction Derby is about trying to kill the others, commonly by pushing them off the edge, but also by ramming them until they explode. Right now, players who don't have the perk are better off not even trying to damage anyone, because once you damage your opponent enough that he catches fire, he just touches you back and you lose.
  14. For me, this perk is one of the reasons I don't like playing in the MIX server. I can't believe people think it's fun when they are playing DD, they are touched once and are immediately on fire and there's nothing they can do about it. It happens to me pretty much all the time. I just don't get the argument of "buy the perk, problem solved". So everyone basically acknowledges that this perk is not something you WANT, it's something you actually NEED because otherwise the game is unfair. For some people that might be a good reason to buy it, for others it's a reason to not even bother and just play on a different server. Perks should be optional, give something extra, might give a little advantage, but in no way should they ever make the game experience for people without the perk LESS fun. That's my opinion.
  15. ¡Buena suerte!
  16. Good luck.
  17. Gameserver: MTA Race Server Age: 22 Country of origin: The Netherlands Ingame name: FantomicanYoshi Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I grew up with the Mr. Green community ever since it was only Dutch. I've been active in the MTA: Race server for a couple of years, mainly from 2010 to 2012. During that period, I was also server admin. During 2012 I became inactive because of other interests and eventually I got demoted to Green. Ywa said I could always tell him when I wanted to become server admin again, which is now. I've been back since a couple of months and got to know many of the current players as well. I'm a very respectful person, I never really get in trouble with people. I always try to help people with questions. I like conversating with people in the server chat and make the server fun for everyone. The most important thing I can add as admin I think, is that I have a heart for the server, because I've been here so long. I have a lot concern about what happens, and I always like to add my two cents or new ideas. I can be a bit critical sometimes, I always try to look at things thoughtfully, so I can bring a lot to admin discussions. My activity means I can help in doing the occasional server admin things. You know, muting spammers, kicking blockers, banning cheaters. I know how all that works and in the past I have shown that I used those powers only when needed. Surely though, there's one thing the server really needs, when you ask me. Another map manager. It happens daily, someone has spent hours making a map, would love to see it tested but all the online admins have to say "sorry, I don't have the rights to do that". Sometimse we even have to bother someone from Mix, sometimes there's no one online at all. Moshpit plays every day but at different times than most European players. I feel like, at times when the server is the most crowded, the most lively, and there is not map manager around, it can be a bit frustrating for map makers. So I would like to become map manager. I haven't been map manager before, but I always wanted to be one. I think I can make a good judgment on what maps to accept and which not. When I think a map is not good enough, I will honestly say so, no matter who made it, but also try to help that person say what can be improved in my opinion, what can be fixed, that stuff. Because I know what work can go into making a map, and it can be disappointing when it doesn't work out the way you expect it to, but that's what happens, especially if you try out new things, what I personally encourage. I have respect for those who make maps for the server, because without those people, the server would stand still in time. The same goes for deleting maps. There is a report topic but a lot of times people are too lazy to use it. There's still a lot of maps that have like 23 likes and 150 dislikes. Apart from that, I think some maps have parts that are bad or buggy and can easily be improved. I won't just start editing maps though, I will always discuss with colleagues first, but I think I can be a good help in working with maps and like I said before, I would really love to do it. And yes, I know what some of you are thinking. But no, I won't test and upload my own maps. When I make a map myself, I'll leave it for other map managers to decide what to do with it. I can also organize things like a map contest. I have done that in the past, and we ended up with a lot of good maps because of it, like 'rusty race' and 'Desert Domination'. So in short: 1. my activity on the MTA race server, 2. my interest and concern in things regarding the Mr. Green community and 3. my desire to become (and the server's need for) a map manager. Those are the main reasons I write this application.
  18. Awww, I saw BinSlayer in the server today but forgot to take a picture, now who's going to believe me? Today was sweet. I have been eating a lot of sweets, I met besweeet again and the race server was sweet:
  19. I enjoyed your videos! Also the first part of "Why Mr. Green Racing is fun'.
  20. It sounds cool but I'm just wondering what exactly would be the point of implementing this system. I mean, Green Coins should be fun to collect, and makes it so you gradually unlock new cool things. It keeps playing on the server interesting for a long while. Imagine if you get 100.000 Green Coins donated to you by a friend on your first day. You can buy everything immediately... is that also not a little unfair towards other players? Like Drive said, a limit of Green Coins to transfer could help, but then I'm still wondering what would be the point of the system.
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