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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. BlueYoshi97


    I agree.
  2. Seems to work, alternative might be to try this: [23:24:52] Schnappi: Logout from account [23:24:56] Schnappi: Close game [23:25:00] Schnappi: Restart game [23:25:05] Schnappi: Login to account [23:25:13] Schnappi: Close game [23:25:18] Schnappi: And restart Thanks.
  3. Should be fixed now.
  4. I suppose, but why would people want that? It would be a lot of effort to create a mode that is basically the same as what we have now but much more complicated.
  5. Two big problems I have with this idea are 1.: what happens if the active players have died, and 2. when will you get the chance to practice RTF maps when you only have 1 to 3 chances and then have to wait a few days for that map to even show up again? A lot of maps are Trial and Error, you need to keep trying it them again and again and before you can finish... DM maps with our current vote system, that simply is not possible.
  6. In order to try this out I think we need to edit some base file, @SDK @Bierbuikje. I've tried to play a map with changing respawnlimit from timelimit to none, but that doesn't have any effect.
  7. I doubt this would satisfy those who hate DM... but maybe we can actually try this out, just to see how it goes.
  8. You remind me of my 13 year old me.
  9. I've marked SweetSandy as blocker for the next 48 hours.
  10. -- End of this discussion. If you have a map to report, post it here using the format from the opening post, and let the map managers decide what they will do with it. Any other comments will be deleted. --
  11. You aren't going to be unbanned any time soon.
  12. This is just bullshit again... I can't argue with you, sorry.
  13. If they are being bought more than twice a day, every day, it means the maps are very popular and we shouldn't delete them.
  14. Yeah, I stopped reading your post here because this is just hypocritical bullshit. You know why maps like Hell Choose Me and Wifeknive are still on the server? In my opinion, they are the worst maps on the server. But the reason I haven't deleted them is because you and wooziee asked me not to. And so, whenever one of those maps is played, I just respect those who want to play it, and I'll go do something else until the next map starts. I suggest you learn to do the same.
  15. You know what, that's not such a bad idea.
  16. Dude, this is exactly my point - WHERE is your constructive criticism? Look at that message from iammyself on this page - THAT"s a respectful, clear post that focuses on a solution of the problem rather than on the problem itself. It is not easy to just make a general decision about which maps to take and not to take though. Mainly because there is such a huge difference of taste, maps like I wanna find my Destiny, the majority don't like them, but for those that DO like them, it's one of their favourite maps of the server. So... who to listen to then, the majority of players, or some of the most regular visitors of the server who are worth keeping happy?
  17. Welcome, my friend! We appreciate your effort but it's not needed because Mr. Green is just an open server that anyone may join. (Moved to Introduce Yourself forum)
  18. That's your opinion. Deal with it.
  19. Megas and Woozie, I made this clear to both of you before; we try to make the server fun for as many people as possible, not just for you two. Stop crying about every single thing that doesn't please you, it's not going to help because we aren't your babysitters.
  20. Report THOSE maps then, not ones that have 8 likes and 9 dislikes.
  21. Just to be clear, this topic is for reporting bugged maps or maps that are disliked by nearly everyone. You're not supposed to report every single map you don't like, which we all know in Megas' and Woozie's case is 99% of all maps. The Freedom Flyers map for example. If you say something like "we were playing it but everyone drowned when they tried to get out of the water", or "the part where you have to fly under the highway is just too hard/random for players", then that's a good reason for us to look into it and fix it or delete it. But just having some people say they don't like it is no reason to just throw it in the garbage. Because I've seen plenty of people say they loved the map and when I played it in the server a couple of times, it was always voted by the majority to be played again. There have also been occassions where I thought a map should be deleted, maps with a lot of dislikes even, but then Wooziee told me he didn't want it deleted, so I kept it. So don't act like we don't give a shit about what you guys think. But you need to respect other people's views as well, and please don't go crying everytime we don't do what you tell us to do.
  22. @Megas I suppose that if you want me to delete Freedom Flyers because some people don't like it, then you probably won't mind me also throwing away those TWELVE maps of yours that have an even worse rating?
  23. I still don't understand why DM-based maps should be removed from the Race-server?
  24. That wouldn't be fair, I'm afraid. You can cap the flag undisturbed late at night when the server's near empty.
  25. There is no DM Gamemode on the race server, what the fuck are you talking about? Please stop talking shit if you want us to help you.
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