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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Thanks again, dude, much appreciated.
  2. Enforcing that rule would scare away a lot of players. Just turn the chat off if it annoys you.
  3. Here is proof, I was the only one to finish the map... but I didn't get the achievement. Now please, for me, winning a map is a very rare experience, let alone being the only one to win a map... in thousands of hours of MTA, this is probably the first time that it's ever happened. This was probably a one-time opportunity, but the achievement is still locked and I also did not get 100 GC. Can I still get it?
  4. Hey, All you MTA scripters out there. Tell me, is it possible to make checkpoints in race map move around? If yes, how? I'm imagining a map in which people are chasing behind a moving checkpoint. I don't think it's possible, but I'm asking it just to be sure. ~Yoshi
  5. SDK, I really really wish that I could find a way to properly thank you... but there's just not enough words for it. You have been such an incredible help for all these years. Nothing would have been the same without you. And you know what, you are always a humble person, but if there's one person who deserves a lot of credits, it's you. So take them, and hold them well.
  6. In that case my advice to TS is... try harder, buddy. Show that you've actually changed, that you actually feel bad about your past actions, that you actually understand the punishment you've been given for it and that you actually want to do everything you can to let people know you deserve to be given a last chance. It's YOUR responsibility. YOU have been given a perm ban, so be it. The admins have done their job, if you want to change that, you're going to have to find a way to convince them yourself.
  7. If you want to make it up with BinSlayer, I'm afraid your only option is to get on your knees and go under the table.
  8. Good luck xpr0nlegendx
  9. It goes one for the Retard, who's reputedly returned, two for the Bob guy, whose name I just learned, three for people wondering if their functions are well-earned, and four for the cheaters as they will be concerned
  10. We moeten die co-op sowieso opnieuw doen omdat jij toen dat eindfilmpje wegklikte en ik die wil zien.

  11. Speel je nog Minecraft?

  12. A rather ingenious feat!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Balmung


      I missed you.

    3. (O)_(O)
    4. BlueYoshi97



      (O)_(O) (u c wut I did der, I turned yer name around heehee)!!!!!!

  13. Wat was jij eergister nog online

  14. So let me try to CC this video as best as I can: Happy birthday to you Happy birthday TO YOU Happy birthday, happy birthday... Happy birthday to you! Happy bleachday to yaaaaaaaaaaa To Michelin Quai Lynn Some geh Bürtsa galles gut en Some geh Bürtsa viel glück! Malykalyang Baatii Tu as une anniversaire MopoRETEE San Pehe Moeneyanyong Ferry Perries to pyanyo sati Tyamtya boeri AA seh Kan TJOEBI ome detto... SJULUKKUH SULLAIF Happy BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU............. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Made me just rediscover the acrostic on my profile. The new skin looks proper, you've done well!
  16. Hmmm, eens denken... als jij zorgt dat vóór het weekend de massavernietigingswapens op hun plek staan, en even nacheckt of er geen lekkende flessen chloorgas zijn, de ballistische raketten geïnstalleerd staan en de boobytraps verborgen liggen, huur ik manschappen in en regel propaganda, dan kunnen we volgende week aan de slag. Deal? :D

  17. Just noticed that threesam weddings are plain natural. Mother Nature wanted it to be that way, and told the first people to apply it, but it got lost along the road of life. We do have two ring fingers, after all
  18. Dr. Minky and xeim, let's have a Triple Marriage! @ OT-Lisa: But Minky's hair is awesam! He also wore it in this video: and that got him popular! By the by, he makes awesome music! EDIT: Actually his haircut is cooler than all the haircuts in the video combined.
  19. Here's your Schizotypal unworldly ritalin-addicted philosopher, acting like he isn't: Right: Black clothes:
  20. There's four new ones released today: http://www.rockstargames.com/V/
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