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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. Frizzy, I wish you the best of luck, old friend :]
  2. Hundy, good luck! I miss you already :<
  3. Good luck. We always need active admins, hope you will be. I haven't seen you much in TF2 though.
  4. If people don't care about stats, why not removing them? It could be of some use to players who don't even dare joining the server if/when their stack buddy isn't playing too. I didn't disagree about removing stats, I mentioned that scramble would solve the stacking problem, and not stats removal.
  5. I don't believe removing stats will stop the stacking Shoogoo, people can still stack whenever they want. Most players don't care about stats but winning, so throwing in a scramble is the best idea.
  6. What you believe or those "others" doesn't matter. If you believe that saying "thanks" is rude does that make it a fact? Why did you tell him "don't step on my tail i'm an admin here" in the first place though? Back, we are some people who think that Messy and Uber are a bit arrogant, just our opinions. I told him that line because I was affraid that he wont understand that we have some rules and him not abiding them might turn the server into a riot. It's like you are saying I offended you or anything. I just challenged you, but I admit it. Could you explain why are we arrogant? We rarely speak, all we do is pocketing. The server is full even with that. Besides, you could dicuss your opinions with your friends in your own chat, and not in the server's. Messy I gave you the answers you needed, you should wait for a Mod/TC to close the thread with a response. The drama went that way btw -> There is no drama, and you still do not admit your misbehaviour. You can't be right all the time NPhect. Yes this is a drama over a kick. Never said that I'm always right but you pal crossed the line, we both know. I put an X behind this...though you did worse. Let's both stop. I keep no rage. See ya ingame.
  7. What you believe or those "others" doesn't matter. If you believe that saying "thanks" is rude does that make it a fact? Why did you tell him "don't step on my tail i'm an admin here" in the first place though? Back, we are some people who think that Messy and Uber are a bit arrogant, just our opinions. I told him that line because I was affraid that he wont understand that we have some rules and him not abiding them might turn the server into a riot. It's like you are saying I offended you or anything. I just challenged you, but I admit it. Could you explain why are we arrogant? We rarely speak, all we do is pocketing. The server is full even with that. Besides, you could dicuss your opinions with your friends in your own chat, and not in the server's. Messy I gave you the answers you needed, you should wait for a Mod/TC to close the thread with a response. The drama went that way btw -> There is no drama, and you still do not admit your misbehaviour. You can't be right all the time NPhect.
  8. What you believe or those "others" doesn't matter. If you believe that saying "thanks" is rude does that make it a fact? Why did you tell him "don't step on my tail i'm an admin here" in the first place though? Back, we are some people who think that Messy and Uber are a bit arrogant, just our opinions. I told him that line because I was affraid that he wont understand that we have some rules and him not abiding them might turn the server into a riot. It's like you are saying I offended you or anything. I just challenged you, but I admit it. Could you explain why are we arrogant? We rarely speak, all we do is pocketing. The server is full even with that. Besides, you could dicuss your opinions with your friends in your own chat, and not in the server's.
  9. Put the "Behind my back" in a parenthesis then. I know very well that admins can kick though, you don't need to prove anything. Using your admin powers to win an arguement makes no sense anyway.
  10. I never behaved like an "ass" I think. I didn't post that to take you down, just to ask a more kind and logical behaviour. I've never been annoying, except that "so called pocketing" you keep accusing of. Good point there Messy. You think that you're not an ass. Belive me other including me belive you are. Two different things you know. You again mix up your personal feelings with your abillity to kick. I've seen what others believe about me, but it seems them, including you, keep chatting behind my back. The point is that I haven't been a problem for the server. Never trolled, misbehaved or whatever. You could use your point if I did anything "annoying" than stacking.
  11. I never behaved like an "ass" I think. I didn't post that to take you down, just to ask a more kind and logical behaviour. I've never been annoying, except that "so called pocketing" you keep accusing of. I also am not the only pocket on the server. There are many but I havent seen you doing anything about them anyway.
  12. I hope you don't mean I deserved a ban, and instead of reading what I answered, you should read what NPhect said. He, besides, wasn't pissed off by words, but for pocketing. And look better the kick reason and tell me if it's a serious one.
  13. NPhect has always disliked me for unknown reasons, but what I cannot understand is how can an admin mix up admin job with personal conflicts. Today, he kicked me for a reason no admin has used before, without offending him. It started when he complained for me pocketing. He used one unappropriate word against me and my pocket, later he used the fact that he is an admin, probably to win the arguement. You can figure out yourself: http://mrgreen.gameme.com/chat/tf : Type Messy in filter Message and you can see him using insults. I also have kept the whole log. I also used a bit of sarcasm, but not in answer of his insults. I just commented on a word he used. He also flew into a rage after his teammate accidentally gave me first blood and also killed him. He kicked me with the reason "Oh really" This is the log. I've put every sentense of the conflict: NPhect : Is it me or I find couple Messy and Uber Medic completly gay NPhect : you're a scout how the fuck you supposed to kill a heavy and a medic NPhect : not to mention others NPhect : think. [sM] Time remaining for map: 3:44 (The Best) Uber Medic : Shoot at them? Messy : lol Dahome store! "What you need?" killed Achwell with persian_persuader. NPhect : you don't say? Dahome store! "What you need?" killed SZABX (hun) with persian_persuader. (crit) Messy killed abcd1234 with minigun. (The Best) Uber Medic : But you asked him? NPhect : Medic please keep it for you if you can't comprehend what I say, thx. NPhect : comprehend* Messy : What's a thx? [iNFO] New TF2 shop items have been added! Buy them with your Green-Coins at http://shop.left4green.com Messy : I thought you mean thanks NPhect : another smart-o ? NPhect : oh wow Dahome store! "What you need?" killed Samiel with tf_projectile_pipe. [THFH] Atlus killed larsjenkins with tf_projectile_pipe_remote. NPhect : from I have 5 fps you're not famous? NPhect : Messy you became cocky for no whatsoever reason, please don't step on my tail I'm still an admin in here Messy : Oh Messy : Im scared Disconnect: oh really. Disconnect: oh really. Check this screenshot also. You can see him kicking me for the reason. http://steamcommunity.com/id/ubermedic/screenshot/541797441721334884/? Kicked for reason: Oh Really... after answering to his sentense in which he used the fact he is an admin. Personal conflicts don't have to do with admin job, and surely when the player hasn't done anything wrong in the years he has played in the server. We players expect from admins to be fair, calm, not insult or misbehave. Upon frustration, I admit I became challenging using some sentenses of sarcasm, but surely it was not a reason to get kicked, and of course, with such a silly reason.
  14. Messy

    Are you sane?

    Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  15. Good luck.
  16. Razormane is indeed very suspicious. Pre-fires a lot, especially with sniper. And he seems to know all positions of all enemies. His stickies, when he is demo, also hunt you when you try to escape, even behind rocks, crates and other barriers.
  17. German is hard enough, good luck. I have been doing it for 4 years now at school and I can't speak it yet. I believe French and German are very important to know. French because it is spoken by millions of people, not only in Europe but in Africa too, and German because it is one of the most spoken languages in Europe. Someday, I wanna learn German, French and Dutch fluently. I don't consider learning more languages as important, since everyone speaks English today,
  18. Won: 4x Coal (sold for TF2 items) -50% Off Valve (coupon) -50% off Lost Horizon (coupon)
  19. Merry christmas to everyone.
  20. Buying -Nametags 1.33 Reclaimed metal each (1 Reclaimed + 1 Scrap/lvl 2 metal + lvl 1 metal) -Craftable Hats 1 Refined each (lvl 3 metal) Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Messy1337 or ceagle360 I'm also Scrapbanking!
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Doh, I'm trying to get a Strange Degreaser all day but because of steam problems I didn't... yet
  23. Messy

    Third attempt.

    Good luck.
  24. Not at all. I don't think we need super skilled pwnz0r admins, but mature people who know what they are doing. You could write a bit more on your app ZombieKiller, good luck!
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