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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. No. I prefer AwesoMessy.

  2. Alien Aliens Alien Vs Predator Starship Troopers Starship Troopers 3 Austin Powers Star Wars (all of them 1,2,3,4,5,6)
  3. Deus Ex, Worms, Gladiator, Star Wars empire at war, Zoo Tycoon, Jurassic park operation genesis, Jurassic park DinoDefender, Pro Evolution Soccer, Ratchet and Clank, Star wars battlefront 2 and a lot of others.
  4. What the hell is this xD
  5. It's a good day to die!

    1. Raptor


      I don't want to die :(

    2. Messy


      For the federation!

  6. Good luck
  7. You broke it by your bull shit ... Anyways, Clavus James Bond or Mission Impossible ? And who are you to talk like that? Sorry but find other ways to offend others. Do not do that in a game thread. Ontopic: Different series Gordon Freeman or Gordon Frohman?
  8. Iulian, in the 14th page Mathematic asked the same :/ Thread broke again.
  9. Elite H4xor. Mif or Milf?
  10. Messy

    *Gives cookie*

  11. Happy birthday

  12. Keyboard! Brunettes or Blondes?
  13. Argh! Moving again?! That sucks man D: But you will make friends quickly since you are Mr. Darkness ;D
  14. Shoutbox because it is easier. Beer or vodka?
  15. Punch a tree untill my hand breaks (breaks hardly ) Would you rather have an one night stand with the most pretty girl of the world and never have a gf or have a relationship with just a pretty girl?
  16. Messy

    I'm Back

    Welcome back Hedruh : D
  17. I went to Siffnos (Greek island) 3 weeks ago. Also to Rome and Napoli of Italy 2 weeks ago. I don't know where to go next (I go 3 journeys per year ^^) Any suggestions?
  18. I'm selling a Vintage Demoman's Fro for one of the following (some weapons or metal must be added please if your hat is Non V) : Pugilist's Protector Football Helmet Officers Uskanka Tough Guy's Toque
  19. Messy

    n30x | Admin App

    Good luck.
  20. I am currently trading my Attendant for a Milkman. Both are polycount set hats so it will be a fair 1:1. For the ones that don't have me in their Friends List (Steam) : CEagle360 For the ones who have me in their friends list, just trade me Also, check my backpack for things you are interested. Thank you.
  21. Messy


    The things you said about the drugs are true, but I would say don't waste the money for beer either. Also, something is going wrong with people who suicide. It's completely wrong to suicide when you are in a bad situation and a human that is completely healthy in his mind wouldn't do it.
  22. Messy

    This Or This?

    After 5 mins of thinking I pick the second one Garry's Mod or TF2?
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