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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. Happy birthday Dami
  2. Nice vids, and thumbs up for pink dead ringer !
  3. Messy

    My inactivity.

    Since school started, I have no time to play games, but happily I can play on weekends. I got a life, I study, and of course I train hard for football (soccer). Hope you won't miss me. I'll play 60% less For you who have me in your friends list in steam: INVITE ME TO JOIN YOUR GAME! Cheers, Messy
  4. Messy


    I'm an atheist. I was baptismed as Orthdox Christian, but I believe there isn't such thing as god. God gives people hope, and makes them happy sometimes. Just this, he is on pople's minds and hearts.
  5. Good luck Zunz. I have played arena and seen you. Btw, you are applying for all TF2 servers (Payload, CTF, KotH, CPOINT, Arena) Good luck again.
  6. Messy

    Last words

    I'll miss you Notte You, and of course your ammo It's been so fun with you. Good luck.
  7. Good luck with your problem Yoshi. You better consult a psychologist as Chicken said. I feel bad for you
  8. Why destroy all this awesomness? IW+ZS > ALL
  9. Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday dear Deathsong!

    Happy birthday to you!


  10. I "steal internet" from my school I connect my mobile phone with the central pc, and profit porn for all the break
  11. That proves that you don't read applications, yoshi You said good luck twice XD
  12. Lucky you. I looked again and they have blocked (in ever school): Facebook Twitter MySpace Youtube Youporn (FUUUUUUUUUU )
  13. They like wasting money
  14. I can't get on youtube <.<
  15. I still experiment ;D My PS is like 3 weeks old.
  16. Messy

    Funny Vids

  17. Maybe you are more artistic than me. Oh and Thanks Yoshi
  18. Good luck
  19. I'm new with photoshop. Thanks.
  20. Pufulet made the first version which was awesome! V2 is only greek flag, but not that awesome. I did some editing, and I put the Greek flag and Pyro in awesomeface version! It took me 25 minutes to remove the white colour circling the awesome face pyro. So, this is the "Messy's sig V3"! What do you guys think?
  21. Mac-ish but awesome.
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