It's because of the self-healing. A commando can't heal his self. It goes like this: *Some berserkers just go RAMBOOO at the first mins meleeing zombies and die* *Medics get outside the building* *First supply crate* *Medics get it first* *Commandos die trying to get it* *Now there are like 6 medics, 1 commando, and some engis. Also 2 berserkers* *Engineers die from their mines* *Commando and berserker die trying to get outside. Same with 2 medics* *4 medics left. 2 die trying to get next crate* *2 left. 1 runs, and dies from howlers and zombines* *Last human. No hope left for the medic and he dies due to huge amount of zombies* That's what happens every round.