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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. Awesome
  2. Nice name XD
  3. Looks epic
  4. And if they could swim?
  5. GAME OF THE FUCKING YEAR. EVERY YEAR! I want eeeeeeeeeeeet
  6. maybe tat zombie whas me because i whas dressed like a zombie. but the part about his fresh crap must be a lie KILL FIRE! HE IS ZOMBO! We dont care for dressing
  7. Ehm im 100% british dough and chocolate chips. Im not on your side. k? Get out Also grass, really there are hot chicks? I'll come if so
  8. No PROVE IT
  9. Pufulet. I warn you. I will steal the bus unless you don't give coca cola to me. GIMMEEEEEEEEEEEE
  10. Join the Dutch side. We got cheese, windmills, flowers and lots of legal stuff. What else dost thou want? GIRLS Ehmm i mean cookies
  11. Good choice. A lot of deaths are from ppl who get blocked while trying get the crate... Btw... How is it possible for crates to be dropped IN buildings? They should spawn (always) outside. EDIT: I wrote "choise" D: Supply crates should be a challange. You want health, ammo and big guns... you are going to have to proove it that u deserve them I mean... They are dropped from the air! How is it possible to get dropped in buildings! i dont honestly thing theres like an airplane dropping supply crates randomely Or crazy men delivering crates...
  12. Good choice. A lot of deaths are from ppl who get blocked while trying get the crate... Btw... How is it possible for crates to be dropped IN buildings? They should spawn (always) outside. EDIT: I wrote "choise" D: Supply crates should be a challange. You want health, ammo and big guns... you are going to have to proove it that u deserve them I mean... They are dropped from the air! How is it possible to get dropped in buildings!
  13. We r awsum
  14. Meh? MEH? MEH? Man you got a pwnage speed...
  15. I only drink water But I must warn you: I eat twice as much chips as anyone else in this community. Warning: Notte eats twice as much peanuts than anoyone else in the community
  16. I wanna warn my team: I want twice as much cola than you guys. So preapare my drinks.
  17. Try it again!
  18. Darky! A good friend of mine, enough mature and I see him playing CSS much Good luck! And in your language: Желаем удачи!
  19. Good choice. A lot of deaths are from ppl who get blocked while trying get the crate... Btw... How is it possible for crates to be dropped IN buildings? They should spawn (always) outside. EDIT: I wrote "choise" D:
  20. Damn Gangwars. Give our Holy back!
  21. It's because of the self-healing. A commando can't heal his self. It goes like this: *Some berserkers just go RAMBOOO at the first mins meleeing zombies and die* *Medics get outside the building* *First supply crate* *Medics get it first* *Commandos die trying to get it* *Now there are like 6 medics, 1 commando, and some engis. Also 2 berserkers* *Engineers die from their mines* *Commando and berserker die trying to get outside. Same with 2 medics* *4 medics left. 2 die trying to get next crate* *2 left. 1 runs, and dies from howlers and zombines* *Last human. No hope left for the medic and he dies due to huge amount of zombies* That's what happens every round.
  22. Exactly. As an old pep you don't need to choose a class. You are pro anyways <3 But any class you pick, you all have equal chances of winning. As medic you got more chances. You go outside, and run!
  23. Not bad. Why were you shy?
  24. Exactly. As an old pep you don't need to choose a class. You are pro anyways
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