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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. @ Damien: ZS is still cool for me but I haven't leveled up ANYTHING because leveling is always disabled. I think some other people don't like this too, and leveling up should be fixed soon. But first, yeah, classes should be fixed.
  2. I have 850 hours in a single GAME MODE and still not bored ^^ (Infected Wars)
  3. That sounds fair.
  4. A dream? Yes yes afcourse. Hmm for seeing powers the young one has .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE8PieLJttY Just wtf xD
  5. "Death-666 has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    Hello :D

  6. Np brah <3
  7. WB Alex.
  8. Leaving in some hours. Going to Chalkidiki as I said, for football tournament with my team ;D I'll carry my laptop, I'll be online in IRC, Steam and forums but the connection speed and the limit of GB won't allow me to play games :C But I'll see you anyway
  9. No, not always. The health of the starting zombies must be determined by the number of humans. Imagine an unkillable zombie with a huge amount of health stucking 3 humans eating them all? It won't be fair.
  10. Going to Chalkidiki tomorrow. I'll say bye tomorrow
  11. Stop posting in old, dead threads. Last post Spetember 2009. Kthxbye.
  12. Maybe he remembered to post it at mid night
  13. In and registered.
  14. I can be in replacement ;D
  15. I can be Pyro. I am good enough as Pyro, but I'm still thinking if I should join.

  17. Messy

    ZS ideas

    Congratulations, if you opened your eyes you'll see he's been told that already. Well done on bumping up an old topic as well. Hmmm, a 3 days ago topic, not really old. I like repeating things that have already been said I lol'd.
  18. Messy

    ZS ideas

    well i thought its most logick if it could be posted here because its from garrysmod... and there is no clear way to ZS ideas and suggestions. thanks griffon You are right, but still check about it.
  19. Messy

    ZS ideas

    Check other forums before posting a new one.
  20. Messy


    Epic one, Ywa.
  22. I lol'd. Hard.
  23. Ohai Mr. Toaster :D

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