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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. I decided to apply. For 3rd time ^^ General information Gameserver: Garry's Mod servers (Mainly the Infected Wars server) Age: 14 Country of origin: Greece Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Messy1337 Link to Xfire profile **: I don't use Xfire Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hello, this is my third application, but this isn't a reason to give up. Most of you know me, I'm gonna write less about my self. I'm friendly, active and I help new players, I have helped admins a lot this year, stopping spawn camping and calling Toaster or Sacrifical when needed. Last weeks I play IW for 3-6 hours a day, having 850 in total at the moment, having a lot of experience. My Gmod hours are 1300. Also, I can speak english very well, I'm mature for my age, and I think my age isn't a big problem this time, comparing with my first application I also help through donations. I've donated much for Mr. Green and I'm proud of it. Activity IRC I'm online on IRC 6-8 Hours a day. Forums As you see I'm very active here, reading and posting daily promit Infected Wars I currently have most hours played in IW, which are 850 and lately I am there 3-6 hours a day. I really love IW, and I want to support it more. Zombie Survival I'm like 1 hour a day in ZS. Activity in ZS will go higher if I get admin. And the Epilogue IW doesn't have lodsa Farmers, Glitchers, Exploiters e.t.c, but you never know... There is too much spawn camping, and 50 percent of times there isn't admin to stop it, turrets get in spawn, mines are placed and weapons fire like hell on the 2 chosen zombies. I'll be more active in ZS too. I'll help a lot there too. If I get the spot, I'll help a lot and celebrate! If I don't succed in my app, I will be as I have always been ;D Thank you. -Messy
  2. Good luck.
  3. Good luck.
  4. We'll miss you. Have fun in other games
  5. Really big list of ideas xD But nice ones
  6. Messy

    Admin App

    Nice application, and you seem a good candidate Good luck.
  7. What does it do then? A waste of !rtd Behe doesn't use ammo.
  8. You should also disable getting ammo with !rtd as behemoth. It's annoying.
  9. I don't do it because I'm an ass I try to destroy it ^^
  10. Me too :< I'm stuck on 0 lvl engineer, I've done the tripmine placing thing, but i need 57 barricades to go to lvl 1.
  11. Messy approves of Peon's ideas.
  12. Enjoy. Trolling dark rp under the name Mr. Trollface
  13. Messy

    I know I smell :D

  14. Messy

    Admin app

    Indeed! We feel offended now!
  15. Messy

    Admin app

    Also good luck.
  16. Best: Gmod, CSS, L4d2, Tf2 Worst: Sniper Elite :<
  17. Messy

    Admin App

    Good luck.
  18. I thought I made clear that the classes are only able to choose between certain Weapons not all of them. They would be limited to the weapons in their current loadouts. So no medic vaporizer for you *Sadface* I wanted medic with vaporizer =P
  19. Also, you seem mature and friendly. Never heard of you, I don't play MTA Good luck, my friend. ;D
  20. Going on Chalkidiki on August 13 and I'll stay there for like 7 days. P.S: Damn! I always stay in Greece!
  21. Have fun and a good trip Mr. Sacrifical
  22. Messy

    admin app

    You could write more, and Garry's mod doesn't need new admins atm. Good luck :S
  23. 240 hp on that guy? WTF?hl2 2010-07-21 20-19-57-11.bmp
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