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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. Last 2 weeks I try to add a new spray, Balmung and Lastion made, I click on the file, and happens nothing. Got any clue?
  2. Messy


    Ahh damn we got pwned
  3. I haven't seen you, just because I rarely play ZPS. You seem mature anyway. Good lucky buddy :]
  4. Messy


    Oh ok then
  5. Love ya too sacri <3 Love ya too Grass <3
  6. I'll pwn your ass darkness! Noone loves me
  7. Messy


    Go on Greece! I'm a big fan of my country's team =P I'll be hooked on this world cup watching almost all matches Btw, it's SKOR-GRE
  8. I love everyone <3 But especially: Sacri, Notte, Alex, Balmung, Pufulet, Error. Non-gay way of course.
  9. The melon is a spy. Melonlemonmlonemon???
  10. Hmm nice one too. i might use this in Infected Elite forums.
  11. Sure. Start dude. Thanks btw
  12. Hmmm. I thought something! I'll use Balmung's as a spray, and Pufulet's in forums!
  14. Pick Yoshi I lol'd. xD
  15. This is nice! =D I don't know what to choose! Pufulet or Balmung... Balmung or Pufulet...
  16. +1 Agreement
  17. Why does it suck?
  18. NotteTheNutYabbaTheHutFromPlanetMarsOribingAroundSunTheYellowInMilkyWayTheMilkyInsideUniverseheBigThatAreWe, you can't refuse this deal, I'll give you a nut for all your money. Deal?

  19. It looks nice.
  20. Well I'll use pufulet's one! Is it possible to be in spray, Puf?
  21. Thanks Notte Btw I had a problem with sound while uploading... Dunno why, but it's not needed right?
  22. Haha, I remember Error, when I killed you with bones and you kicked me XDDD
  23. Nice! Quick but cute! I might use it. *Gives cookie*
  24. Made by me ;D Messy's tips 'n' tricks:: Run if you get screamed or hit, use sniper when you are at a height, use dual elites for middle-short distance and p90 for really short or middle distances. I hope you can be pro now! =D
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