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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. Messy


  2. I love making topics
  3. Yea. But to stay strong, you need more ways to survive. This would be useful for surviving. Many people have dead effort these days. It's overpowered, and it pwns a human in 2 seconds. IW needs something to make the possibility of surviving bigger. Dead effort can't be fought, but if you regen before the behe exoplodes, the possibility for your surviving gets bigger, something you can't do fast.
  4. A lot of things in the shop are lame. Example: Warghoul suit. Why mark with anything? It's not very IW ish. Yes it is. Making humans more OP is not IW ish. Special ops should be overpowered. Btw what's your opinion that zombies win almost all rounds?
  5. Mine's 60-90 Yours?
  6. A lot of things in the shop are lame. Example: Warghoul suit. Why mark with anything? It's not very IW ish.
  7. Make this post* Sorry for mistake :S I was a little tired.
  8. Name: The regenerator. Cost: Like 6000 gc The Regenerator Lvl 1: It'll give to the player 2 hp and 5 suit points for every 8 seconds (without using regen power). The Regenerator lvl 2: It'll give the player 5 hp and 5 suit points for every 8 seconds (without using regen power). I know, It'll make the humans more overpowered, but It would be useful, and would bring to you more donations How's the idea?
  9. Hey retard, post this post to matches. We are just talking about world cup here
  10. Beckham's amzing lob.
  11. You see a fantastic goal, a powerful shot, that only god can do it! Post it here! For soccer, basketball etc. Roberto Carlos IMPOSSIBLE swerve and goal:
  12. Messy

    Stargate fans?

    I watched it, my bro told me it was awesome. I didn't like it so much, my bro is a big fan xD
  13. Soz for double post. Forgot that one xD A priest sends an sms inside the church. It's in greek but you can see XDDDDDDD
  14. thank you Error. But 1 day isn't enough
  15. We know... But he doesn't change his mind.
  16. Name: Grey Dust Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20702158 Server: MrGreenInfectedWars. This guy keeps insulting everyone, parents, mums, sisters, he us the total troller. Some chat logs: IRC: Karin the Choppiri Vampire ^^: no I didnt Karin the Choppiri Vampire ^^: I had armour Shooter-117: lol <Messy> It's all the armor bug. <MrGreenGModIW> Gragle Snov: i had speed <Messy> Ahh dudes stop arguing ffs. <MrGreenGModIW> Karin the Choppiri Vampire ^^: ahhah GreyDust: messy Karin the Choppiri Vampire ^^: revenge GreyDust: suck my victorious cum. ^^ Napoleon.Шut: !rtd Ingame: GreyDust: Messy, your mum is hot. She's really good in bed. I fucked her yesterday. {I.E-O}Messy: See, Toaster Toaster: I see. GreyDust: Wtf I did stfu. Why doesn't he? {I.E-O}Messy: I didn't insult you or something :F GreyDust: Stfu kid. {I.E-O}Messy: You are boring GreyDust: I think you are gay You see, right? Please ban this random troll... Now you understand...
  17. I like your ideas notte
  18. As STJ don't allows us to talk in "matches" topic let's do it there I got one question: Who made the own goal for denmark in NL-DK 2-0?
  19. 8/10
  20. Just Good luck.
  21. Trololol!
  22. Messy


    You are absolutly right, but Netherlands wasn't a super team in the past. Brazil was, now brazil isn't. But who knows. Things may change. I agree that Robben made a good season and can lead the team also. Van der Vaart too. But 2 guys? Hmm...
  23. Messy


    I think that Argentina, Spain, or Brazil will win the cup. They are the masters of soccer
  24. Tried TGA too. Kthxbai... I give up.
  25. I didn't need anything like this on my past spray.
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