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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Right, suggestions of the new server anyone?
  2. 1. Real name and age? Ivan Miladinovic, 17 2. Where do you live? In the netherlands, near venlo. 3. Previous experience with communities and boards? If I get attached to one, I get around 1k posts or so. 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Leeching my parents 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Im currently doing make up exams, if I manage to pass it, Im going to the ROC to learn about IT. 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol ) Hurr Durr Derp. 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Nope. Note; you may supply with a photo if you want to. (a year old)
  3. Reap3r

    Day Z

    watched most of em
  4. who dares livestreaming it
  5. Rank 27th and pro skills? Only the top 10 have the pro skill's. Then again, I have yet to meet somebody equal to me.(In skill that is.) I wish you good luck on your application, the server needs an admin who plays 3 hours a day.
  6. Ordered a Guitar

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Reap3r


      Yup intending to play rock, @Sacrevy doesn't matter how cheap it is, it's ment for me to learn from.

    3. Dr.Minky


      Herpus Derpus

    4. Mayco


      You usually don't start playing on a stratocaster, do you? Just strap a set of proper strings on it and you're ready to go.

  7. Yes that is true, but it costed me like €50. So for a 3 year warranty I was willing to pay that. But just decide what you want Wez, if you want experience or spending another 1000 dollars/euros/wtfyouuse on a replacement for your PC. If you buy from a good brand you get at least 5-10 years warranty(ex: EVGA etc). Here in the netherlands you automatically get 2 years warranty, for free.
  8. On the other hand, if you build your own PC you gain experience and you will be cheaper out. When I first builded my PC, I felt excited(true nerd) and as soon as the package arrived I was adoring the components, but after a while I manned up and builded it. It was a good learning experience.
  9. Thinking about Livestreamin' me playing an SCP or other horror game

  10. Lets all gather together and conquer something like the Mile High Club.
  11. thank god, now I can get rid of the nuisances on the airfields.
  12. just switched
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Okay, I just strolled the forums, and there are indications that DEBUG PLAINS, so the ones where players spawn, are safe to put tents/vehicles on, while the normal debug plains, are not. This calls in for one last heavy patrol in NL 13. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/28904791570/the-end-of-the-beginning
  14. Reap3r

    Day Z

    indeed, something is seriously wrong with my DayZ ( or i am REALLY unlucky ) everytime i logg out it can be anywhere i have to restart my character from the beginning. Its so annoying and pointless for me to play because you join PRIVATE HIVES! Blacklisted servers, where everything is saved LOCALLY.
  15. Reap3r

    Day Z

    For now, I suggest to most people to stop playing. I got blowed up by mines while I was driving a stolen UAZ. Then Xeim got sniped and lost his motorcycle. The Hacker than proceeded to bother me with and said on MIC: Ya want ya stuff back bitch. I was like, derp. Found bicycle tried to run with it, he ran me over and killed me while I was on bicycle This guy also had location hacks since he always knew where I was.
  16. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Recently BattleEye got updated, that got rid of most hackers. Only the hacker who used paid scripts are safe. Also if they are hacker why the heck would they raid busses? They can easily spawn one in. And just because a player suddenly killed you from behind, doesn't classify it as hacker.
  17. Reap3r

    Day Z

    That whole community is a psycho. When I was actively playing DayZ I checked the forums. One day it got hacked. The hacker got exposed and all his information and personal life were all exposed. Even an Developer helped in exposing. His steam got spammed full of people saying shit about him. They were thinking about beating him up to teach him a lesson. Now I don't live in Canada or so and I didn't check the forums after that so I don't know what happened to him, but please tell me more about how there are no stalkers on this forum. Now I might be maybe too much into it, but the location we have is pretty much one of the best spots of hiding a base and losing it all just because some people are like herp derp is frustating.
  18. Reap3r

    Day Z

    *yawn* you try getting the vehicles then, as one doesn't simply get vehicles with that mindset. edit1:
  19. Reap3r

    Day Z

    That. You can't simply show our base as some people recognize the location. as for the ural/pickup issue: either the brits took it or our base got exposed, since someone keeps making fire, shooting the animals without silenced gun(sometimes even with snipers), comes from the south direction to the hill etc. I was predicting this was gonna happen.
  20. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Anyway, I am montaging a video of a small dayz gameplay Especially how our base looks like (without showing it's exact location). That is kinda impossible to do.
  21. Reap3r

    Day Z

    How would you find our base by just that? There is atleast 100km2 of land that resembles it. Edit: Who even told you our server?
  22. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Right since I need to keep reminding people.... Heres a set of rules: 1. Lose a vehicle, your not allowed to drive until you bring one back. 2. If your making it campfire, the fire can only be on for a short amount of time, no bs atmosphere stuff. 3. Always come in from the forest's or the west/east/north side of the mountain base. Now im sorry if im being too paranoid now, but I want atleast to have some vehicles when I log in. Also if you guys can suggest some too?
  23. Reap3r

    Day Z

    I think I need not use any words to explain this. That was clavus's first day.
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