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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Sitting here at home drinking a mojito

  2. Going to London for the weekend... anything to recomend

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quert


      SHAKESPEARE's globe? Destroy it. You'll need a C4.

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      Despite me living up north, doing all the touristy stuff is really good.

    4. awesomeo_5000


      Go visit the puppies in Harrods (take pictures for justice and freedom)!

  3. So, I got me a facebook...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Griffon


      fistbook 2 gud 4 u

    3. xeim


      We all got them book in our faces

    4. Dr.Minky


      Only just got it..?

  4. Weirdest music video ever

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sneed


      old, but still a very awesome music video and music :V

    3. VMR


      Definitely the best music video this year.

    4. Quert


      This year, VMR? it was made in 2009, just sayin..

  5. Rest of the city partying because of 'J' day, staying home playing computer :L

  6. Just found out we have gotten the first snow or the winter, not bad for still being oktober

    1. EmRA


      We got some yesterday, too bad it's going to melt away by monday.

    2. FishWithAHat
  7. 5 days 16 hours of swimming :L

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      If you read what Fish said then in his view they don't count, but it also means the ones in the song dont count either one is just and A and E stuck togther one is a O with a line through it the ther has a hat, basically the same as having 2 dots above it...

    3. FishWithAHat


      Well my whole point with ü ö and ä is that when you "sing" for alphabet you dont mention them unlike æ ø and å

    4. EmRA


      You do mention Å, Ä and Ö in finnish alphabet. æ ø are not mentioned as they are not used here. Different languages, different alphabets.

  8. Well... that was difrent
  9. Sooo, I've watched 10 hours of "River cottage" today... and Im not stopping yet.

    1. xeim


      nothing can stop you now

    2. Quert


      more like nobody wants to stop you

    1. FishWithAHat


      His sushi is also very good

    2. mogadonskoda


      Hid your family fish, he may use you next time :S

  10. It's my birthday :|

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FishWithAHat
    3. awesomeo_5000


      15 years ago your shoulders brushed the walls of your mother's vagina. HAVE A GREAT DAY :D

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Awesomeo, I would kill you for that.

  11. So my biggest brother is in Mechworrior Online closed beta, I want in too D:

    1. xeim



  12. Im back, anyone miss me? :c

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. FishWithAHat
    3. Iulian


      it's moogbass

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I missed many fishes with hats. With my harpoon :D

  13. Home for 48 hours... so i bought steam games :I

  14. I'll be gone for two weeks so i leave you with this http://tf2r.com/banned.swf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Where did you find this one, from a sumerian clay tablet? Seriously, 9gag is nothing but a recycling center.

    3. FishWithAHat


      I just get random links on my skype, and i thought this one was neat

    4. Cristhop3r


      9gag more like 9fag iamrite?

  15. Might loose another nail :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Reap3r


      I had a similiar experience with a pencil.

    3. TechnoNegro
    4. Hundred2


      Loose a nail? Better tighthen it up.

  16. Makes me want to join the army
    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Ah, army starting in a week...

    2. Raptor


      Army? Oh, I thought this was footage of a mental home...

  17. Picking 4 kg of strawberries give one hell of a lower back pain

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Griffon


      The question is Do you have 4kg of cream to go with that?

    3. Reiska


      only 4kg... try picking 20kg every day for 6 hours without anything helping ya now that gives you helluwa pain in your ass, arms and back

    4. TechnoNegro
  18. Frizzy :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frizzy


      You weren't on!

      Also, I was probably in quite a bit of pain thanks to the fact that I started working out again after 2 years on monday.

    3. FishWithAHat


      I was on the forum waiting for you to answer

    4. Frizzy


      Well you can join our faction in game later today. We need a few more people anyway.

  19. Join this awesome server some time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FishWithAHat


      Our payload :I

    3. TechnoNegro


      Dafuq rulebreaking banban

    4. Balmung


      Its the MrGreen payload IP, He's not breaking a rule.

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