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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by ChickenAttack



    wtf i bet u wouldnt like it if it happened to u

    I would simply pick myself a better network,i've seen people with 200ish ping from Argentina.



    I mean, Come on. Stop trying to defend them moose. You know that people with 200+ Ping are a huge pain in the arse especially in SH/DD. 

    You haven't got a clue how this player named "Matrix" abuses the sync using his ping on DD. Its like, When you're driving fast to ram him he just moves a little bit and your vehicle gets landed into water while he doesnt even moves. Oh the pain.

    I'm happy that SDK made the decision to change ping limit to 240.

    This makes the server lagger-free and sure, Some good players are forced to switch to other servers but like MorocconGuy says, Afford a better network. It ain't gonna cost that much right? Man, Even I had 290 ping. Now I'm around like 180 sure, Not much of a big difference but thats kinda playable ping compared to 290+

    Oh and SDK, Thought of this quick idea. Why not make a lobby and separate rooms for DD/SH like FFS server and force the players with 250+ ping on a particular room? idk, this might resolve some stuff.



    well i've never been bothered by them on DD but SH i wouldn't know too much as I don't play it much and it sucks anyway.


    Only cases of lag on DD I have seen were way above 300, and the other feature that really defines lag is if the ping is constantly changing. For instance, I used to have a ping that changed constantly, much to Kali's and a ton of other ppl's annoyance, but it was way below 240.


    I think making hours for south americans would be nice while telling them to come other hours, and that minimum 15 players doesn't mean much because since the gc farming went up its over 15 pretty much 24/7, and then there a few that only play nts and go away on other modes like me.


    then again i dont really know how many are affected. matrix is a classic, but so is dongato who im not yet sure if he's affected, there are probably plenty others, and many of them can't just move to a better isp

  2. That's why I made the pinglimit 300 when there's 15 players max, for them


    Could do it with hours I guess, what would you suggest


    15 players max doesnt make much sense these days cuz quite a few ppl farm gcs. Unless you can discriminate between player status ''away'' and ''alive'' in the coding.


    maybe a good starting point would be 10pm cet as it would compromise between europe and these lovable aztec mayans, and the server keeps going with americans for 6 hours. after that the server goes in coma. something like that would be nice. looking at it right now its hard to see how many ppl there are, as this week there were server crashes and all these hard eternal rtf maps might have caused a dent


    come on guys enable some hours with higher ping limit so that south and central americans can still play


    there's a ton of old players and theyr just gonna leave now, mostly nocturnal

    Good ping limit,BYE MATRIX  :gmod:


    wtf i bet u wouldnt like it if it happened to u

    I would simply pick myself a better network,i've seen people with 200ish ping from Argentina.



    all the networks follow the same line, with minimal differences. you only get 200 ping in shitholes like argentina or venezuela if ur living under cristina kirchners vajayjay or on top of a stash of venezuelan toilet paper.

  3. Sorry matrix, but it really isn't fun to play against someone with 300 ping in DD or SH. You can still play the other modes


    how is this related to playercount. can't you change it depending on the hour? not that its a problem, ive never been bothered by 300 pingers on dd and sh, not that sh is even my cup of tea anyways.


    240 ping kills a ton of night time players off. 0am to 9am should be 300 ping time imo

    votekick for everyone must be some kind of joke, wtf

  4. DIsable votekick for the general population. it ends up in bitch fights and it literally empties the server. what the hell were you thinking adding this option to the server? if anything leave it for admins or if u really want to push ur luck for mods too, but if its there for all the noobs its fucking paranoid chaos.

  5. Can we ban Kamil?



    Did you set amazing top? Or maybe you put a lot of effort to get one achievement? Or maybe something else? Tell about it :)

    I'm in that group of unfortunate(?) people who joined after March. So according to the stats, I joined race server today :P. All old tops, achievements and stats are gone. However, I didn't lost progress on mix server.


    1. fapu


    2. i am not very much in the habit of making tops, and just in this period i made top 2, only beaten by wonas and by a second, in the ultra classic never the same map, the map that started all the other nts...



    GC's, shop items and new toptimes system is stored in mysql on a different server and isn't affected




    well thats poor little gnappo avoiding a heart attack right there, praise be the fapgods



    Yup Time to have a fap






  7. Nooooo. NTS belongs to mix. Never ever add NTS in Race   :D


    nts belongs everywhere, it is like the spirit of the wind and the fap of the cosmovision of the stars

    How did we let this happen? I'll keep praying to our prophet BinSlayer to uncast this divine punishment we are suffering, stop the madness, and grace us with more randomness.


    Truer words hath never been spoken. Hail ye thee one and true BinSlayer, true leader of the church of the flying spaghetti mixoctopi

  8. No, I think you should not replace but rather add it as another mode. Some people still like the old SH. But other than that great mode. It prevents camping and map escaping 


    No don't add it as another mode are you insane? Mix already has way too much SH going on in detriment to NTS.


    50/50 is probably the best option. 50 old sh 50 cg

  9. lmao this guy as mod oh god SDK what are u doing

    Let's keep it a bit serious in this subforum


    admin would be way beyond ridiculous as I don't make maps or write code for the server etc. mod is more than enough


    Price should be 1000gc for SH maps and 350gc for NTS maps because fuck ma nigga and big fucking madness and all those sh loving noobs and kebabs that have made mix more about sh than nts


    Hhuehuehuehue. No. 


    "because fuck long journey or other fuckin journey and all those nts loving noobs and kebabs that have made mix more about nts than sh"


    All of maps should have the same price. o/





    nts was bangin' bitches when sh was shitting its nappies... sh is a basic bitch and should respect its daddy nts

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