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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by ChickenAttack

  1. If Personalizado wasn't accepted because he likes killing people randomly or he would bring a bad name to admins, you'd want to keep that standard by not allowing moroccanguy into being admin because he patted binslayer on the back for muting me for 14 days while I was afk. You have two options>


    if you want a yes man that loves authority and approves of authority always then add moroccanguy and thinks admin is about being a class warfare thing like life in morocco where you always approve of whatever someone in your class and race does.


    if you want to avoid admin abuse don't add him in a million years

  2. Looks like binslayer is giving admins a bad name. This was the reason the likes of personalizado wasn't made admin because he'd kill people randomly for his own pleasure, and the reason why hulpje was caught out some time ago doing admin abuse.


    Bin is also getting praised by the likes of moroccanguy who was actually caught insulting admins at least once to my knowledge and banned for days for it. So it looks like this little ban someone while AFK thing is a way of bringing all the mall cops and deranged pricks into town

  3. I don't care why I was muted as I was afk, it was something about some eastern european guy having an argument with binslayer, nothing to do with me, I don't care if some admin is getting into military academy or training for the NYPD or is gonna become a mall cop somewhere I don't care if this is another case of #hulpjeadminabuse or #binslayeradminabuse zzz snorefest blabla yada yada... 14 days for being afk you must be on crack

  4. You can always leave a sign on the previous IP saying you've moved. Not sure but I think gta ru did that. Maybe you can pay a couple of bucks a month to previous hoster for the IP not sure. But yeah I doubt its an issue, theyll just look for the server in search

  5. GM must be random for this maps or /vote



    No I don't know what would result from that but it's lame. Democracy is lame. Authors are what bring spice to the world. The map maker is God. If he makes a map that's a round circle with buggies going in opposite directions he did because he had avoiding other cars in mind.


    Authors confront their audience. Audiences are just sheep. And then there's Kanye West who's a combination of the two, where you're always left wondering, is he a moron or is he doing it on purpose


    I can just imagine a swarm of pussies voting ghostmode on contact maps, it would be in harmony with the idea that the universe should have swarms of turds in Justin Bieber concerts.

  6. low fps and ping players must be auto-moved in ghostmode or another dimension


    THIS is the solution to low fps not adding gaymode to all circuit maps



    ^ or that


    ghostmode at least for circuit maps, its just stupid when you have whole races ruined by some random low fps guy. just drop the whole fun server bullshit, ever since theres the mix server, theres been lots of opportunities to improve the race server.....


    I've been adding ghost mode to a few circuits on race, if you know any circuits that you think it should have ghost mode enabled, let me know and I'll take a look at them, race is in serious need of some map cleaning.




    No don't do that, circuit maps are about contact ffs


    You think anyone would watch Nascar with ghostmode?


    You think a map thats just a round circle is fun people going round in circles without the risk of crashing into the other 20 players going the opposite direction... thats not map cleaning


    Race has been doing fine for years without obsessively adding gm to everything. In fact there's already too much dimensions and gm already, its sleep inducing.



    Trying to fap


    is that lana del rey as a zombie?


    Yes. Tough times require tough decisions



    Can't wait to play after I finish my move. Texas to Florida yo.


    So now you're suddenly 80 years old...



    what the freakin fap im gonna freakin flap

  8. All the ideas from me.


    MIX Server:


    [NTS] Never The Same:


    [*] Reduce the bounces, car flip, and the car rolling for crashing against a lamp.

    [*] Hide all the cars at NTS start for 5 checkpoints (not for lagg, just to keep the visibility) and disable Ghostmode at 7 checkpoints.

    [*] Add an automatically-ghostmode to heavy cars (like firetrucks, Police FBI truck, bus etc.. to avoid blocks) ghostmode will be automatically disabled after next checkpoint cross (unless if the player gets a heavy vehicle again)

    [*] Remove the current cars list:



        - Dozer (slow, bad turning it makes discontrol)

        - Forkfit (same as Dozer, slow, bad turning and too much discontrol)

        - Combine Harvester (Too big, you crash at every element on the track)


        - Tropic (hard turning and you have the most of the probabilities to miss next checkpoint)



    Duuuuude if you wanna race go to race

    Dayyyuumm I'm gonna have to get my Spike Lee hat and rant about the pussification of mix!

  9. Contact is a terrible idea


    Because thats what makes a race a mans thing, ghost mode is for sissies, and so incredibly sleep inducing. You think the nascar is for ghost mode?


    Also at least in mix in nts, I dunno about race, there's plenty of people that mess around harmlessly when they aren't winning.


    And thats nonsense about other race servers being ghostmode. There are no race servers apart from gta ru and mrgreen, the rest is dm. Noone wants gm in dm but race is an entirely different matter.


    Best idea is to forget about contact bans and make sure you have a focused psychologically balanced killer that won't confuse ramming with blocking.

  10. Theme? Explicit theme or implicit theme?


    Plenty of maps have the mod's mp3 that fits into the mood of the map in an abstract or tangential manner, far better than the standard gta radio. More often than not they fit the theme better.


    Giving the option to choose between standard or modders map, if there really is an issue.


    Long maps usually have longer music...

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