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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by ChickenAttack

  1. attachicon.gifmta-screen_2015-04-21_01-22-37.png

    VIP Party



    Groupie COCK shows up and begs us to join the party



    We let him join us in trade of sexual favors, we took care of him but gato didn't want any of that.



    lies nothing but lies i always volunteer for sexual favors


    morroccan guy said


    Other things=gta 5 




    orly? besweet is probably bored stiff without mrgreen mix, there arent even any chickens in gtav


    lol F1FATMAD xD

    Borz I am not fat,your fat.





    dont worry fat bitches are in fashion this year


    (when a real nigga hold u down, ur supposed to drown!)


    lol that a success we advanced a few meters

  3. Yeah I think they're confusing fps issues with ping issues and blowing out of proportion the issue that pops every now and then of some guy who happens to have timed out. if an admin paid attention to this it would be devastating and kill of a fuckton of transcontinental ppl


    Btw on ffs it's 350, not 300. On this conncetion I'm on 50 and I very rarely find anything to complain about on the theoretically SH and DD modes...That might change in a week or two when I move again, this time to a worse copper internet, but not as bad as the terrible one I had last year.

  4. OK terrible idea


    Pitchforkgasm here.. this isn't the Bastille


    It is probably a south american indian/mayan ethnic cleansing.


    Which is fecking terrible as it would kill many legendary south americans among them greatari/greatanus


    And it would kill the night scene, comprised entirely of Che Guevaras taking a break from their mandatory brazilian tranny murdering or whatever oral sex Cristina Kirchner decrees for the week.


    In FFS gaming ping limit is 300 to 350


    So what you're proposing is a terrible idea as that would seem like the standard.


    However, and this is a big however, when I was on a crappy internet with a wildly oscillating ping, FFS could detect packet loss or something, and that would boot me. That only enhanced my love affair with mr green, where i spent a year generously offering a wildly unstable ping to my poor mrgreen victims. Thats not the case now as i'm on normal wired net these days.

  5. I think I'm hearing wedding bells for the marriage between Cristina and neox


    I can marry you i have been ordained by the church of his holy fapness, but beware we're very literal in our interpretation of the holy faptures we're like the westboro church of the fap


    One condition though you don't ''beat'' Cristina in any way! xD

  6. Why don't you just use one that works, and then paste your image over it in paint or any other software.


    That's an interesting suggestion but it's not even close to working because in keeping with the absolutely surreal and fucked up nature of this bug, the infernushow.png that works for me seems to be cached somewhere in some mysterious place on mr green's server.


    I tried changing infernushow to another file and it still showed the previous infernushow.


    Then I tried your more specific suggestion to paste some of the above cocks over the working infernushow, and it still shows the old infernushow.


    Infernushow, btw, on the infernus was ruined the moment I tried out the sultanhow on the infernus. On the upload paintjob custom screen, the infernushow used to cover only half the screen iirc when it was working correctly, the sultanhow seems to have condemned it to living an eternity of stretched out hell, and now it covers all the preview screen, leading it to work terribly as a pj on the real thing.

    Well it's easy to test, just delete both gcshop folders, go play on the servers, now check where the gcshop folder is, that's the one you need to use.


    I personally install mta to C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas\ so I don't have to bother with both versions.


    Gcshop folder isn't generated on entry into the mrgreen server in my experience. Is it in yours? Can you think of another folder that is generated when this happens?


    I guess I could wait until a new map is played but that would take ages.


    I guess I could try to install it into mta san andreas without the extension like you do, and I might try that later tonight, but it could take ages as there's bound to be lots of info I'd like to save from my current mta.

  7. Like I said, screenshots pls


    And are you sure that you are putting them in the right folder, not mta 1.3.

    I would uninstall mta 1.3 if you still have it and don't need it anyway.



    Screenshots of what? Of when it says ''not found'' or the botched paintjobs? Well I'm not lying about the ''not found'' thing if that worries you


    MTA 1.3, that's interesting. I actually uninstalled and reinstalled all the mta early this morning, both 1.3 and 1.4, but when it asked me if I wanted to erase server data mapa data etc I said no. So it looks like I'm not saving anything into 1.4, as all the maps seem to be saving into 1.3, so you could be onto something there.But the screenshots are saving into the 1.4


    But my mta 1.3 has never even slightly touched any of the png files I tried this morning, either the ones that work or the ones that don't.

  8. I've read the tutorial.


    From the tutorial, infernushow.png and sultanhow.png work correctly.


    Haven't tried mixedimage.png


    But this is where it gets inexplicable.


    infernushow worked perfectly on the infernus the first time. But ever since I tried the sultanhow on the infernus, and I tried to revert back to the infernushow, the infernushow no longer works as advertised in the picture, it is now all distorted and partial and crappy.


    More importantly, the real issue I'm having is most pictures aren't recognized by the system.


    I get ''not found'' when trying to upload them as custom paintjob.


    And before you say there's something wrong with the picture, I've tried renaming the infernushow that works perfectly, and it says not found. So I'm getting ''not found'' on a picture that's named infernusfap but all I did was rename it from infernushow.


    I've tried reducing its size in tinypng.com to change its hash in case that was the issue, but I still get told ''not found''.


    Oh and btw, sultanhow.png isn't working entirely correctly either, as the back part of the car is blacked out.


    And now for the tragedy, a picture of cocks yourcousin gave me isn't even slightly working. The initial pic was 301kb in size so I thought maybe that was the issue, even though it's working for him. So I reduced it all the way to 92kb on the tinypng site, but still no dice, no cocks for me. You try it out see if it's working for you.


    Oh and lastly, what the hell?? I mean this last thing just takes the cake and eats it like a Kardashian. This picture of cocks isn't the original cous gave me, it's the reduced one from tinypng, and yet the size of the attached file according to your forum is the size of cousin's original file, but according to my computer (and tinypng) is 92kb. So yeah this clearly is yet another mystical joke being played on me by the great fapper in the sky.



    you'd want to keep that standard by not allowing moroccanguy into being admin because he patted binslayer on the back for muting me for 14 days while I was afk. You have two options

    it's your problem of being muted and not mine,I only told you to stop complaining about it because things can go even worse.


    The ''complaining'' got me unmuted and you were going lol, its possible you get high with authority


    Besides, admins ban or mute the MAC address, there was no ''name confusion''

  10. From what I can tell, you were all switching nicknames on purpose and messing around with Bin, preparing for when he came around.

    If I was there, I probably would've banned you for a while.


    If someone was really unfairly muted, he can get an unmute, but don't expect much


    Hopefully your server logs also show IP addresses because its my understanding this was only Oleg's doing, and that he's new, as both mad and I were afk afaik

  11. I don't know what's worse, if it is the absolutely ludicrous mute of two players that had nothing to do with the other guy other than being on the same clan or the fact that someone let that idiot (Oleg) into the clan, Oleg only flames other players and thinks he's a boss therefore he should be punished for it and it's a well deserved mute, but muting cock and f1mad is ridiculous.


    All I know about Oleg is that retard married him and me yesterday. he seemed funny and hyperactive but if he insults people then by all means reign him in... oh and btw he was only clan member like 1 or 2 days ago, this is the second time I see him in mta!

  12. Its just weird that an admin comes mute everyone in the clan and then goes to race again :S and for what? NOTHING. + I never saw before admin flames a players. whatever the player did. That doesn't give him the rights to flame a player. Admins should respect the player whatever happened. If a player disrespected an admin member.... Admins have the rights to mute/ban him and they should have a prove for it, But Slayer doesn't have any prove at all.


    Bin flamed a player? For all I know, Oleg aka Powermoosecum might have not insulted Binslayer as both mad and I were AFK

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