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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Amiron

  • Birthday 07/14/1992

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    Gaming and programming.

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  1. UMP belongs to the supply master right? I even believe it to be a little bit OP if it hasn't changed since old IW and AFAIK Ares has been stealth nerfed by necro
  2. Good luck Even though I still can't remember you
  3. Hi, ([email protected])

    I wish we make use of this great opportunity of friendly. How are you;work,health and life over there?. My name is Grace,am a girl,single never marry. I went across your profile today on (/forums.left4green.com). I found intrest on you,i wish to know you more.i made up my mind and decided to left this message of proposal to you. I really believe we can move.

  4. I thought I made clear that the classes are only able to choose between certain Weapons not all of them. They would be limited to the weapons in their current loadouts. So no medic vaporizer for you
  5. How does the "heal yourself" percentage increase anyway per berserker level up ? always wondered
  6. As you all may know the current Loadout system gives you certain weapons which you can use during battle. But wouldn´t it be nice to costumize your loadout? My idea is that all classes get a certain Maximun Inventory weight and that every weapon gets a weight factor. Of course each class is limited to certain weapons preferably those which they can currently use and every class has a a number of Main weapon/side arm/equipment slots. For example Assault has the same Maximum weight as Support but Assault has 2 main weapon slots whereas Support has only one. As an example how I imagine this I´ll take my beloved experimental: Max weight (50 kg) [Main Weapon Slot] ( Egon 20kg - Ar2 12kg - Vaporize 15kg ) [Side arm Slot] ( Deagle 5kg - p228 2.5kg - dual elites 7 kg etc) [Extra equipment Slot] (Turret 25kg - Battery pack 25 kg) He could get rid of his turret and take the new Item "battery pack" (dunno extends suit amount or gives him moar regen) Another example could be Support: You dont take any grenades with you and can take 3 additional proxmines (vice versa). Or Assault: Don´t take another main weapon and get a higher clip size for the other Main weapon. Or Supply: leave the grenades at home and you got enough space to carry any side arm you want. Side notes: -Instead of unlocking Loadouts you get weapons -Maybe this could be expanded to the undead -Makes the gamemode more awesome What do you think? inb4 Clavus doesnt want to change anything in IW anymore
  7. This looks shooped. No seriously I can´t believe that this would work in realtime on a normal pc. Also his "explanations" hold barely any information in them. He describes it as a "search Algorythm" the only displays what you see (opengl anyone?) and that the data used (the point data) is highly compressed. It still makes no sense to me why this shouldnt eat all your hardware and cough it out like raw meat. It would still need to process a fuckton load of pointsdata even if they are compressed (decompressing isnt fun either). Either you run out of RAM or HDD. To explain it with his Word search: How long does it take to find the matching words in a document that is over 9000 pages long. Unlimited data on a limited system ? Its a hoax it has to be or else I would be god.
  8. "You can't get a virus without downloading anything stupid. You can't download anything without the users permission"
  9. Happy 18 years :)

  10. Whats this I dont even.
  11. Amiron approves.
  12. Why did you make the turret able to shoot, while following the player, if you did not want that to happen? I mean why did you change it from the old only-deployable turret to this? To quote the AVGN: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Lemon!´s idea is in my opinion the best. Lowering the fire rate of the turret while its following is certainly better than having some additional power drain... NOES I STILL WANT TO KEEP MY OP TURRET DONT CHANGE IT !!11
  13. Thanks for enlightening me a bit well that not even you, clavus, know the exact answer 42 is strange , but that proves that youre just a mortal programmer. Well im pretty much happy that the behe CAN one hit kill you, is strong and unpredictable, I mean it would make him less dangerous if he wasnt like that. The Behemoth is after all the one and only leader of the undead, thus being a damm good reason tu run. But still.. WTF ? Edit: about it hitting 2 hitboxes seems very unlikely to me.. The behemoth explosion radius is enough to hit every hitbox on a player at the same time. That would mean if a rocket causes 30 dmg you would get that damage more than 6 times(6*30=150 dmg) ? That would be WAY too ridiculous
  14. Theres no bigger killing machine in IW than the Behemoth (ok wharghoul is still better) but after a while I started to wonder: HOW THE HECK DOES THE DAMAGE CALCULATION WORK ? After trying some things as behemoth it fells like the damage is random Why ? here are some cases that happened and possible explanations: Case 1 : I have full suit & health ---> behe does 100 dmg , suit is gone Case 2 : I have full suit & health ---> behe does 200(WTF?) dmg, nearly dead Case 3 : I have over 9000 hp ---> behe simply one hit kills me (not very common) Case 4 : I have 30 suit & 40 health---> behe does 30 dmg(lol que ?), only the SUIT is drained Its strange why only the suit ? Is the old Behe-can-only-drain-the-rest-of-the-suit bug still there ? And what also bugs me is the Damage multiplier... TBH I never experienced any multiplications the most common case for me is the old behe does 100 Damage no matter how many people are on the server. It could be that im blind but could someone explain it to me ? Or give me a behe Damage formula ?
  15. Well its questionable if anyone would buy anything from a shop but since the zazzle shop costs nothing at all it wouldnt hurt setting one up even if only 1 would buy something X)
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