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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Not a fan of commercial shizzle 6/10
  2. Trophy heads has been requested multiple times but is just useless and gets annoying after a while. Multiple world isn't what we need either and a healthbar ruins pvp imo.
  3. Dear timeboy, if you can proove to the TC that both of these accounts are yours they will gladly transfer the greencoins to the other account. Therefor you should contact a TC member (pm him on the forums, add him on steam or come to the IRC) and ask if he can help you further with the matter
  4. Can you be more precise on the date of this ban? Seems like you've been an active player with a few ban requests, always helps the case imo.
  5. Banned
  6. I like the idea of the big factions, which have x-weeks to prepare themselves in peacefull mode and after the x-weeks the peacefull runs out, players can go raid other factions or factionlords can start big group events to attack other factions. I don't think that there's a plugin or a combination that will do the job that you're looking for. The only 2 that can be handy for this could be factions or townie, but making it unclaim itself if food runs out etc doesn't excist yet.
  7. You bring 2 big points up where you're totally right, the minecraft community has changed and the only succesfull servers are or filled with kids or are massive donater servers filled with kids who throw hundreds of dollars away.
  8. Ain't no economy
  9. Good luck As Necrossin said, please fill in this form aswell to complete your application: Gameserver: Age: 17 Country of origin: Link to Steam Community profile *: Thanks
  10. Which dumbass fixes his car with regular tape? Always use duct tape
  11. Omg, he's a viking! Yesh
  12. Are you joking? This is like, exactly the kind of thing everyone keeps complaining about. People like vanilla minecraft factions, or as close to it as you can get. In my opinion, bringing economy into the server is a really bad idea, and is completely different to what makes the server enjoyable. I can see it becoming a shitty pay to win server, just like dancraft and all the other donator-dominated servers. Is there something wrong with you? Instead of attacking someone's reaction you could also read the original post Money system. I'll have to see if we'll do anything with itWhy would we ever turn the server into a mass donation server? First of all, what some servers do is illegal, if they would've checked the terms and conditions of minecraft the would've known that it is illegal to sell any product or item of minecraft itself for money and generating an income by selling stuff of mojang. Problem is, only Mojang is in it's right to sew these people and I don't think they even care that much. Are you joking? This is like, exactly the kind of thing everyone keeps complaining about. People like vanilla minecraft factions, or as close to it as you can get. In my opinion, bringing economy into the server is a really bad idea, and is completely different to what makes the server enjoyable. I can see it becoming a shitty pay to win server, just like dancraft and all the other donator-dominated servers. I think economy is a good idea, if we wont have it people will act like this: Weehh I just started this game and I am 12 I can't find any blaze rods and nether warts D: ... Wait, lets grief or kickkill people to get stuff. Oh we so smart! And thats what I hate the most from this server [Totally needs an lock for kinds under 14 ] People that can't find shit are more likely to join other people imo, haven't seen a 12 year old out smart another 12 year old yet.
  13. There are too many vegetables + it's less cold in there! Takes at least 20 min to wait until the radiator turns from very hot to neutral temperature (in the section that is below 0 degrees). Then I insert it back and it works well . EDIT: Dota still crashes though. Shit's fucked up. Can't even edit a video without crashing. TIP: When something breaks you can replace it with a new one
  14. I am literally speechless Go download the texture pack and the map and enjoy. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1865482-16-jeoffreys-chamber-sound-focused-adventure-map-played-by-the-yogscast-20k-dls/
  15. But if you had the cash, you would prolly throw an ssd in it for windows and then an external HDD for storage
  16. Why didn't you put it in the 'freshzone' as your fridge states?
  17. Wow, you freeze eggs and then throw em on your motherboard?
  18. Why would I need a SSD ? I'm using it to store movies and boot time doesn't matter, see no reason to put an SSD in there for movies
  19. Yey, I always loved the factions 2.0 This'll get people back for sure
  20. Problem is, way over priced mate. They start at more than 500 euro's. Currently I am thinking about a zotac ID-41-B they are only 175 euro and if you throw some ram and an hdd total around 250 euro you got probably more than what you need,
  21. Yepa, with new technologies and dem hipsters there're a crap load of mini-pc's which fit perfectly next to your tv and are sometimes cheaper than the standard consoles (ps4 xbox1). Don't get me wrong, mini pc's aren't raspberry pi's or android shitty usb sticks. A mini-pc is just like a full tower but smaller, it wont be capable of running high end games on 60 fps but they're ideal for your everyday livingroom. They're perfect to watch 1080p video's, browse the web, play some indie games and so on. Some lead developpers in mini-pc's are Foconn, ZOTAC, minnix and Shuttle. But which one is the best? And what is your opinion on these mini-pc's? With the dead rumour of a valve box everyone got excited, but with the release of the 999$ piston pc I was disapointed. The max price of a tiny mini-pc should be around 300-400 euro really, there's no reason to go anywhere above that since you should be getting a full tower then or atleast a full grown pc in a tiny tower. So again, what are your thoughts about the concept of a mini-pc and which one do you think is the best one on the market? The best one doesn't mean the actual best one, it means the best price to performance ratio. Ofc there're a lot more brands that make mini-pc's, but what makes a mini-pc a mini-pc is it's nice design, it has to be small which means no 20*20*20 boxes and ofc it has to be capable of running windows, browsing the web playing some steam indie games etc.
  22. 'Stubborn Clavus' is the guy that pays for the server. I don't think you're paying for anyone except you. If you would pay a server you wouldn't impliment changes you don't like yourself.
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