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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Up to topcrew ermmm where? You can't lock it, only top crew can lock threads.
  2. Mathijs1996


    He just banned you for your attitude, so start being nice maybe?
  3. *awkward*
  4. For what reason would I blow up your spawn? Maybe a creeper blew up your spawn, I don't know, but that's not a reason to instantly call admin abuse. Damn, this guy can't even read. I ask you for what reason would I report you other than admin abuse, and you give an answer to a question you make up yourself? PS: Did you even see the screenshot where your so called creeper would have spawned? How should I know? I haven't seen your spawn besides the screen you just posted.
  5. For what reason would I blow up your spawn? Maybe a creeper blew up your spawn, I don't know, but that's not a reason to instantly call admin abuse.
  6. So, you blow up your spawn and take a picture of me leaving your faction and then report admin abuse. Nice try
  7. Well yeah, they weren't going to stick around forever. Exactly, it happens to every gamemode and now and then there're a shit ton of rebels that think they can complain to the people who are paying for their enjoyment that they aren't doing their jobs well enough. If you would all just stop complaining and start realising that the server you play on and enjoy playing on (otherwise you wouldn't be raging on the forums) is being paid by the guys you call retarded or useless. They've also made the server how it currently is and seeing you're still playing it should be something good. When I was a cool rebel, like you guys think you currently are, I made my own server and then quickly realised how much 'effing' work it takes to keep the server updated and this with a mc server where you don't need to code anything. Don't forget the monthly server costs aswell. If you would now all calm down your horses and ask things on a way an adult would ask it, it could be considered. Otherwise you can kindly make your own server and get your own Lua coders.
  8. Kill yourself kod
  9. Being drunk is ...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Griffon


      ...not an excuse to run people over while driving.

    3. Mazah


      ... good for you.

    4. Mazah


      And for Reiska :D

  10. Es una cuenta hecha hoy a las 4:30 a.m, esta claro que tiene otra cuenta, e incluso otra IP tal vez.... Get out, you're not involved Not involved? All the guys playing at the server are involved, kid. Can I remind you that it doesn't matter, you should've read the sticky. Forum rules are different than server rules, only the reporter, the guy that's being reported and people that have more evidence for the ban are allowed to reply. Also, the fact you call a server admin a kid is just a joke. You don't even know the rules but still you feel confident enough to tell me what to do, good job Es una cuenta hecha hoy a las 4:30 a.m, esta claro que tiene otra cuenta, e incluso otra IP tal vez.... Get out, you're not involved lol troll Nothing troll, just don't post in the bans and unbans section unless you've got a report, you don't need to spam this shit for no reason.
  11. Es una cuenta hecha hoy a las 4:30 a.m, esta claro que tiene otra cuenta, e incluso otra IP tal vez.... Get out, you're not involved
  12. Depends rlly, If i had bad grades I would call sick, if it doesn't matter I would try
  13. Buy me one
  14. I suggest you all stop commenting on this topic and go play mta. Umadbro: You're doing nothing wrong, but I suggest you use a voice communication program so you don't flood chatbox that much. WarrenDiMartini: Talking in a chatbox isn't a reason to punish, report extreme flooding or spamming of the chat if it happens though. As far as I can see: Solved no commenting unless you got additional ban proof for the listed player or unless you're a server admin or a top crew
  15. You guys are not involved, so get out the topic.
  16. If someone has a problem with Bandit I will shove speakers up his arse and play his awesome music all day untill you like him.
  17. Ye, it´s allowed, but the language doesn´t matter, it´s very annoying D: talk and talk and talk :/ Forget Haig, has nothing to see here ... sorry about my english, so bad e.e Are they spamming or just talking a lot ? If they're spamming, please list their full in game names. Thanks
  18. Hello, I can't help you since I don't decide which plugin is being used and which one isn't. If you really want it to be removed, convince Clavus or pay him a bribe
  19. Some random Asian kid who has been stalking me, forgot to mute skype aswell Me so nub
  20. I decided to split the prices up, here are the winners. (If your faction won, contact your faction leader so he can contact me to claim his price) For contraptions, x-factor and insida apparel: Demacia. Their inside is nicely designed, their contraptions are cleverly designed and their quest system which helps new players deservers the x-factor price. For outside apparel: Manapee, their clean and massive skybase with a little village down below is nicely designed and hasn't been done before. For functionbility: Equalists, their base is clevely designed against raiders, loads of obsidian and a lava wall which is hidden inside the walls to make it look alright. Extra point for not using water. 'Loot claimed: 2 stacks obby, prot II armor, tnt'
  21. I highly doubt that this plugin will be installed, invincibility from knockback of crits are a downside since it gives more hits/second. The reach is hardly noticable at all. At the moment there're no admins that pvp activly so it'll be a waste of server memory. I understand your concern but I doubt any admin will really use this advantage.
  22. Fibernet on my second pc, will show internet of my main pc (which is just an ethernet)
  23. Thanks man, almost half a year, he's unbanned. Don't let it happen again. Next ban will be a permaban
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