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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Tough I think you're right in one way, disbanding a faction cause you got em spawntrapped is pretty serious .. There're a lot of cons, I'm giving you the biggest one; If an enemy hacks into your base your team get spawn trapped then your faction will disband.. Due a hacker. You loose everything but really everything. The hacker takes it all then he gets banned; Bye Bye hard work!
  2. How about no. I like big time, clavus ! Where's the like button when you bloody need it ?! ): Bottom right corner of the posts. Ty (: lmao that i didn't noticed that before ...
  3. How about no. I like big time, clavus ! Where's the like button when you bloody need it ?! ):
  4. Pufulet should wake up ... the sleepy bastard !

  5. lmao saw it yesterday to (: good vid
  6. He probably didn't say that so the kid would freak out . like the admin said
  7. Lmao 6.5/10
  8. Will the survivors have some kind of fortress ? Or just run around the map ^^ dont know what map you mean with kino de toten ... sounds like kino der toten tough .. still dont know ^^ sounds fun but nobody is going to want to play then .. Who want's to be a zombie for month ... No that was an idea for a short event, not a long standing one cool idea if you can be human yes (; Random Human selection ^^ i wouldnt bother beign a zombie i mean you can win good prizes ^^ ahh that sounds better tough
  9. Will the survivors have some kind of fortress ? Or just run around the map ^^ dont know what map you mean with kino de toten ... sounds like kino der toten tough .. still dont know ^^ sounds fun but nobody is going to want to play then .. Who want's to be a zombie for month ... No that was an idea for a short event, not a long standing one cool idea if you can be human yes (;
  10. Will the survivors have some kind of fortress ? Or just run around the map ^^ dont know what map you mean with kino de toten ... sounds like kino der toten tough .. still dont know ^^ sounds fun but nobody is going to want to play then .. Who want's to be a zombie for month ...
  11. so more ground and harder to capture ?
  12. Shouldn't give it to some non admin ... But he trusts admins? That was what I was trying to say Excuse me if you understood it different
  13. Being a god looks kinda cool but it would get boring after a few days .. Shouldn't give it to some non admin ...
  14. I really like this idea, like overlords? That will balance things out an awful lot, specially for new people. Definately will make the worlds last longer too! And this would be a GREAT idea for doing the GreenCoin item thing that I suggested to you! Could have them do trading! I also have the idea that I saw on another server, you spawn in a protected area with full armour, some food and basic tools, then warps that person away when they leave. That would stop the spawn being screwed up and give new people a better start! Also theres a plugin that regenerates terrain when you unclaim all your land, so if some faction was taken down it clears up land and makes new fresh resources, that would also make it last longer I like the bit of the land being cleaned up, that's the main reason why people request a new map. And also inactive factions; like nobody has been on for 2 weeks get auto disbanned
  15. You mean abandoned building with full dia armor and such ;x ?
  16. I think it's a good idea but as they said the hackers would ruin it so No ty
  17. Yeah! 5/10 for Dr. Minky McDinky It's okay ... 7/10 (:
  18. We would have won if I was been able to post this screenshot My secret tomb (:
  19. My pc can't run this shit ... Bad video card .. Oh well getting a new pc in a year not worth buying a new video card now ..
  20. Yes! Even though we worked 24/7 about our base xd I would like new map ... fresh ground .. All the bloody ground is used on this map It's a true mess
  21. Mathijs1996


    Being thinking of buying it BUT It's 50 euros for bloody sake .. And if you do it for the mutants you should buy L4D2 If you do it for the co-op mp you should buy homefront .. only 20 euros this weekend on steam !
  22. I vote for new map ... Oh yea same here zombitch the bloody enderman destroy the entire system .. Water cubes being banned doesn't does shit ... then they just make a water cube with no roof ... yeay
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