I really like this idea, like overlords? That will balance things out an awful lot, specially for new people. Definately will make the worlds last longer too! And this would be a GREAT idea for doing the GreenCoin item thing that I suggested to you! Could have them do trading! I also have the idea that I saw on another server, you spawn in a protected area with full armour, some food and basic tools, then warps that person away when they leave. That would stop the spawn being screwed up and give new people a better start! Also theres a plugin that regenerates terrain when you unclaim all your land, so if some faction was taken down it clears up land and makes new fresh resources, that would also make it last longer I like the bit of the land being cleaned up, that's the main reason why people request a new map. And also inactive factions; like nobody has been on for 2 weeks get auto disbanned