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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rogue

  1. Have fun cya. And dont cook headcrabs up there
  2. Meabe schedule something with the [lol] guys they are in the same spot of your group. edit: you are in the [lol] group as well. just contact me on steam. or post a comment in the lol group Over and out, Rogue
  3. Good luck
  4. Topic #4 I guess AND COUNTING!
  5. Good luck mate
  6. I went: then: FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Fryslân boppe! Bûter, Brea en Griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin is gjin oprjochte Fries. ^Frisian saying. (Butter, Rye bread and Green cheese, who can't say that is not a sincere Frisian.) Fryslân boppe, Fryslân boppe! Lit ús Fryslân net weirotte! Fryslân boppe, Fryslân boppe! Hollân yn'e groppe!! Jitiizer FTW
  7. I went: then: FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Fryslân boppe!
  8. I want Borax, CraneTop and PipeLine back so I could start exploiting aga playing again. So, what maps are exactly on the server now by the way? Borax Why was it removed in the first place, it was an excellent map It's back (newer version even) About that newer version its not better then the old one a lot of bugs in it. 1. You get stuck in the waters after capture point 2. 2. This is the most epic thing I ever seen in an UPDATED version;-/, after the 3rd capture point the spawn area from red is still open so all the spys with fast deadringer go in there and camp there with there fast deadringers (note they never die because of resupply up there). Please give us old version back that didnt have any of those problems
  9. rogue

    2 Farmers.

    Only if you still cap that point all over again you can farm green coins. And Scotsman knows there are green coins. But I dont think they did this;-/
  10. rogue

    congrats with your birthday:D

  11. Good luck, I think you deserve it
  12. Congratz. Lukkie
  13. I want Borax, CraneTop and PipeLine back so I could start exploiting aga playing again. So, what maps are exactly on the server now by the way? dustbowl, badwater, hoodoo, goldrush and cranetop
  14. Sorry to burst your bubble and everything but it isn't really feasible to be playing a game all day long. However, it is feasible to idle in IRC with nickalert on all day long. No IRC for tf2 people.
  15. Going to see them live in 7 days:D at Rock Werchter in Belgium :D . and in November to Volbeat Well i like 80s/90s rock classic rock speed metal metal still want to go to metellica sometimes;)
  16. There are so many plugins so i think the would made something about that as well.
  17. Hehe the first one that got a point Whoepie. Well then there is none of the admins they will call if there is something strange in the servers. Thats why they always call me. (If i already didn't knew this ) If there is just one/two admin on all the servers that play often then they got somebody to call.
  18. Idd. thats true. But everyone got it. Its kinda annoying idd. Pl is more lagg then cp but pl got more people then cp (Oh wait before i got a reply. When cp servers are full there is still not a big lagg spikes as in pl)
  19. True. And balmung odin knows there are other servers. He never played on arena so he dont know the arena server so he is never going in there thats the same with other guys. And why they dont know other admins? or not even 1. well you can ask yourself that question .
  20. Easier to play (upgrades) = Destroying old gameplay (new gameplay is just rush in with fast uber medics and heavys. whoe what a nice gameplay) Why you think a lot of people and clans in the past few years dont come to this server anymore. Because they miss the old gameplay without 300 man got upgrades. I dont got such a problem with the deathringer. there are only 3 guys that can handle that thing
  21. Blueyoshi already said this some several times just delete the full load if you are shooting or just being afk. You are doing nothing to get your uber full. This is a thing they can remove. (if they can remove it,i dont know its a plugin) ''didn't helped anything'' A afk medic aint helping his team. If he get one uber every 100 sec he wont help his team a lot Ok in other game-modes or being afk for 30 second;-/ (so many options). And about shooting is still the same in arena. He is doing nothing to get his uber ready.
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