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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rogue

  1. me speaking that couldn't be me lol at your craft. i dont say what you crafted that still needs to be a surprise;-/
  2. rogue

    game music

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE36tkU9br0 c&c 1/2 music the best!
  3. are all the servers down now?
  4. rogue

    3 birthdays?

    happy birthday crowbar. and i know ambuletz aswell but he is not active on forums but happy birthday to all of you three
  5. happy birthday
  6. you got that movie from blueyoshi:P. i saw it before
  7. i totally agree with you
  8. in leagues dont play so many noobs as in the normal servers. so give them a chance. your oponement got crits you got crits. its just tf2 and deal with it. you never heard me complaining and i got the most deaths total of all the players;-/. the most of times when somebody got killed by crits they whine about it all the time. but if they kill somebody with crit they are praising themselves to heaven
  9. i say not delete crity man
  10. i disagree with the ban of all the 3 players that got banned ok its not right. but i think there where that night 100 players doing that, whole pl was full of that people ( and i only played a few minutes;-/) and now there are only 3 guys banned. and if you ban guys for that then you need to ban 3/4 of the players that night. then there should be a lot of bans right now i told layer yesterday i disagreed with the ban. so i vote yes to uban you NOW!. but thats not my thing to do that. thats for the admins. but thats my opinion greets, Rogue
  11. isnt this on all the servers;-/ then you have some more work to do error:D
  12. rogue

    TF2 exploit

    i think the source mod is not up to date mif so this is only for a few says. and yeah it is epic i just played, its kinda suck. the engies think they are better if they build a lot of level 1 sentrys. but thats easy for demo or heavy. so everything is down in no time. they were epic with one level 3 sentrys and they fail more at building 6 level 1 sentrys;-/ and i miss my respawn time already
  13. its not the problems with the most guys from the netherlands. the guys who got the most lag no are the german guys.
  14. the lag is after they installed the new servers. they should fix it 2 weeks ago but still nothing so i am asking again. want yo know some info about it. ps. 3 days ago i got a ping above the 300 and still not lagging:P. and when i talked it was dropping down:P. kinda epic. (maybe you need to try this )
  15. is there already some progressing in this? because a lot of guys still arguing about the lag ingame after the new servers where installed. me dont got any lag (but my ping is now 40 instead of 7/9) problems but just asking for all the other guys. i asked ywa before, but thats already been a few weeks ago again greetz. Rogue
  16. he is banned now for one week i just saw on the bans page. thanks N_phect
  17. This guy is full of "f*cking life" Yeah, he deserves a good lesson. He needs to be kicked for a week or 2 weeks. i agree with darkness just ban him for 2 weeks and ps. Sepp would be a great koth admin. he and FritzX are the only regular players in koth. so make an admin app sepp:D . and we meet each other soon in koth again
  18. rogue

    rogue was here:P

  19. They should be active on IRC as much as possible, plus be active on the forums a lot. Playing in the server is not so important because when there is a cheater, or griever or whatever, you can go to IRC and ask for a admin to come. this in tf2 is bad. because 3/4 of the players doesn't use irc;-/ so when do they contact you, NEVER. in the 2/3 years i am playing i always used the steam-community to talk with admins about a cheater ingame. - Active on the server he's admin on (atleast 1/2 hours per day): do that 3 hours a day only in weekend much more:D - When not playing on the server online at IRC to assist in case of an emergency: this thing i dont agree with. reason you see in this post. (only in tf2 servers, dont know how this is working on other servers). - Checks and posts on the forums several times per day (both server related and off-topic talk): well doing this as well
  20. i have chosen for nr 2. but 4 is good aswell because there are a lot of guys not active on forums, but they already play for such a long time THEY DESERVE IT. you all know my opinion now because of the mifs app a few days ago and i posted some stuff in some other apps aswell about irc. i am a lot ingame when i am on my computer i am for 75% always ingame so i dont want to use irc. and for the guys in the server it is epic aswell because nobody/the MOST guys dont have irc so nobody contacts you when there is something going on in the servers. i think if you are a lot ingame then the regular guys gots you in your steam-friends so they can contact you in there. and that means that there need to be admins on every tf2 server(s) and not on only one server.
  21. almost 200 posts nice:D

  22. rogue

    MiF's admin app.

    (Off topic again ) Where is Rachel. is she gone or something. never heard something about her leaving as admin
  23. rogue

    MiF's admin app.

  24. rogue

    MiF's admin app.

    again when the admins playing they play arena (sorry grasshopper need to reply:P). and yeah people got lifes me to but i am making more hours then most admins and a lot of other guys aswell ingame. and they work from monday to friday. so thats not a problem. and i know irc is community thing for guys that are not ingame to contact them. but i am not sure because i dont and maybe never gonna use it.
  25. rogue

    MiF's admin app.

    he is not going to use irc. so just close the topic or something. but thnx for stopping me to post
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