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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. best translation ever
  2. this community is giving me so much cringe
  3. 7/10
  4. when is boyka going to kill himself

  5. Myself in this forums 4 years ago... 


  6. I like it more than it looked a year ago, more big, clean, not so green...
  7. 8/10 lmao, i didnt understand a shit but you reminded me 2006 when worldcup was on germany and a famous band of mexico made a remix of some german song lol im talking about this one
  8. 7/10
  9. laparka aka diablo666 aka any other shit name has some hacked tops, including promap
  10. SiK has that script i guess
  11. yes sombody post a video i want to edit
  12. 6/10 not in this kind music rn mexican art
  13. no. same with nitro
  14. 7/10 the song reminds me gh3 so..
  15. i think they are shit too
  16. Alright nobody asked anything so i make u a favor, could you make me a paintjob with this elements? btw, idk how to make [boxes] anymore since the reply box on forum is shit so deal with the multiple pictures. This is my actual pj so you now you know what am i looking for
  17. Nitro color works sometimes and sometimes dont, i dont play mix so idk about rockets.
  18. damn...
  19. Did i went to far? 


  20. Jokes are supposed to be fun, you are just shameless. Hope you get cancer in your blood just like Nitrox. jokes
  21. Can someone tell me how a mapcleanup is going to make better the server? I'm not critizicing you or your app, i just don't know how is the server going to be better if you delete maps, it's not a pro racers, clanwars or skill server, it is a casual racing server. Also there have been already deleted a big amount of maps from both of the servers because people just call them "shit" or "boring" and i still seeing less players everytime. From my opinion the Mix server keeps growing up because they have lot of maps, gamemodes, customizations and staff aware of it, also, when kalibwoy was around here the server had a peak of improvement and players. I guess we dont need more admins, we need developers.
  22. Hey, can someone tell me the rules of the horns upload? Why were my horns declined and who decides if it gets uploaded or not? I got my horns declined by this guy but i dont see him as an admin in forums, my pull hasnt been answered by an admin or developer. I would like to know who has the rights to choose or not choose the horns before i waste time making them, because as you can see in this screenshot is not like i waste hours making them but i dont download a youtube video and then upload it again like the rest of them. Thanks.
  23. What does the gray dot below your name means? 

    1. Maher


      It means that you did 500 posts and above. 

      Every 500 posts u do the more dots will be 

  24. tired of that shit / 10
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