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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. You look better for me, in the first pic you look like a simple retard, the second pic at least you look like u have some life
  2. You were banned because if im not wrong you photoshoped pictures of you and binslayer pvt conversations where bin was saying he was gay, something like that.. + insults and stuff.. I would unban Tuco, hes not a bad guy or cheater, he just like to talk and make fun of others, just like me (or at least he used to be that way) so i guess isnt a bad thing to give him an opportunity. Btw, i guess insult is part of the game, like joking and that stuff, same with ramming, i still think bans should be just for cheaters.
  3. what the fuck is tbt
  4. No, that isnt funny and not even sexy, thats shit, like the most of ur posts and topics. hope u die. this lil shit dog is fun
  5. Thought u were leaving another community rofl
  6. Bans should be just for hackers, insults and ramming are part of the game. This is internet admins, everybody have something to make you feel bad and miserable, you cant fight with it, you deal with it.
  7. Players already left the server when you guys changed the original mix server.. it used to be full everyday, also Rocket League quitted mix a lot of players..
  8. This reminds me when Bin banned me from IRC rofl
  9. 7/10 KROT Remix is better. I made this..
  10. cool shit 9/10, ill post some spanish rap too
  11. u looked like 16 in ur other pics, im a pedo, cant flirt u anymore..
  12. wtf i just watch 10000/10
  13. Hai, im skyblue, since more than a year ago im playing a shit game called Osu!, if you google it you will notice that its a rythm game with a lot of japanese music but it has normal music too, so, i have never watch an anime (just 7 episodes of sakura cuz i was fapping so hard that day) and i have no idea how to google this kind of wallpapers or how are they called, i call them "anime mixed with real life", i have seen some users with anime profile pictures here so i guess maybe someone can tell me how to look for this on the internet. I made this same topic on 4chan and they gave me 2 pictures but they are too little for my desktop :(, so these are the pics.. ty for ur attention
  14. 6/10 Too much Osu! made me like this shit..
  15. SkyBlue

    Battlefield 1

  16. I dont want to download all map songs, idc songs and idc the shit skins, put something to disable the shit downloads, ty.
  17. SkyBlue


    i just noticed this isnt the official horns topic
  18. is it okay to put children porn on my profile page? 

  19. Gimme ur whatsapp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StartsevaRUS


      I got better idea. Megas liked your message, talk to him... maybe it's your the only one.

    3. MegasXLR
    4. SkyBlue


      megas is boring af, u dont have to be so ruuude (8)

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