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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Firehawk

  1. We got pufulet too I dont care what you think (suicide video as an bad idea or sumthin) So please stop taking this so seriosly. Thanks. me? already got 1 :gmod: :gmod:
  2. haha lol, still.. it's awsome there should be more people like mif around here, on mr. green making these vids
  3. Happy Birthday Mayco!! EDIT@ you are 3 years and 1 day older XD
  4. you would be a perfect admin good luck mate
  5. lol... be smart then. most times as red there are many sentrys at the end then blu is coming with ubers.. be a pyro use flamethrower and blast the heavy ( or other) or medic away in the air and the sentrys will do all the work anyway to solve this.. put a medic limit in the game 3 medics should be enough...
  6. well... the admins,tc ( others ) dont want the things ( voting, maps , other things ) in the server because they think it wont work ?? !! ?! ?!? !? come on the cp server is dieing... i think you guys dont have better plans. but if you guys do have plans then they will suck! ( trololol ) just respect the players once and just try the ideas okay ! it can't get any worse
  7. pipeline is good
  8. so. you guys just let the cp server die very well then good luck with your servers ( not ) if you guys dont respect ANY players here then just stfu and dont reply here
  9. TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS: TC doesn't care about it Of course they care. They may just have a different opinion than you two, you can't win em all. I don't believe they will spend money on a server they don't care about. I am sorry, it feels like this is the 100th time I'm going offtopic in just a few days. So to make this post somewhat useful, I'll ask again if Pipeline is an option? yes, but they dont even try things.. new things, plans
  10. 2fort is always full.. and it's fun tho, not for a long time but then other people will join
  11. TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS: TC doesn't care about it
  12. Ofcourse rogue made a excellent topic about plans to keep the tf2 CP server running with much players in it. sadly balmung had to copy rogue his topic ( with some other words ) because he needs attention. and think he's better! hope you get it Firehawk
  13. uh?? i suggest you get out of this whole community for being an ASS! to copy someonelse his topic
  14. Well maybe we can't just fix all the problems with pure fucking magic. And maybe we have other stuff to do, because this isn't a paid job you know, rather an expensive hobby. A new fake clients plugin is on the way (if Ywa doesn't hit a brick wall). We won't add ingame voting for various reasons, we have admins for that. We won't add team scramble. We do listen to you guys and we do discuss all options. But we know when to drop the bad ideas and just keep on going with what we have. well i think you guys ( especially ywa) is online the whole day i mean he is always online in the irc. so you guys do have enough time to do something right!?! hmmm... what if we didn't have the name [lol] ( clan) in our name, would it still be teamstack? NO because we are just some normal players then. but we desided to put the [lol] thing in our name. so we are still normal players then. still teamstack?
  15. sounds like the TC doesn't even cares for the server i mean: DO SOMETHING
  16. Ugh, I hate it when guys like you come here and lecture us on how to run a community that we've already been successfully running for years. The problem with the payload server is that there are so few official payload maps, and once your custom maps outnumber your official maps, a lot of people don't come because 1) they don't want to download stuff or 2) they assume custom maps are of worse quality than the official ones. Cranetop and borax were not hated, and certainly of good quality, but players left when the maps came on. i dont get this part: I hate it when guys like you come here and lecture us on how to run a community that we've already been successfully running for years. i dont know what is wrong with you guys you are just sitting there. and look how empty the cp\ctf server is. you guys dont even care about it. rogue is coming with some plans and you guys dont even try to do it. rogue cares much more about the servers then you guys do.. nothing to lose
  17. i like cranetop. it's an awsome map you guys should put it in again
  18. ofcourse we have lasers to destroy them :D
  19. first of all: rogue is coming with some great plans and ideas second: i like cp_steel so.. it's very awsome there are many people in the server. ywa....... you never know. you could try these plans thought? plans@ for the cp\ctf server try some new maps they can vote if they like it or not so you can put it in. or do a event ( there whas one in css fun server ) attract many people right? for the koth server is garbageday in it? if it isn't add the map. it's big fun
  20. it's an apple ofcourse EDIT: i dont like garrysmod.org anymore now need an account to look at things
  21. We dont need pictures to see, right now. it's still in construction. and besides... the discription tells us alot of the map how it is going to be. and it gives enough impression to look at this topic several times anyway, Good Luck. EDIT: put: STAY TUNED. on the end of the discription people will visit this more times
  22. Good Luck man!
  23. nice computer man, now we can play more css together some times succses with you video making.
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