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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Firehawk

  1. good luck
  2. maybe tat zombie whas me because i whas dressed like a zombie. but the part about his fresh crap must be a lie KILL FIRE! HE IS ZOMBO! We dont care for dressing i whas dressed because the zombies will accept me and they wont eat me. anyway i rather stay with ya guys in te bus. and ofcourse take my lego pistol with me, in-case of an emergency. i luv pringles
  3. maybe tat zombie whas me because i whas dressed like a zombie. but the part about his fresh crap must be a lie
  4. YES, ofcourse i always like stock servers ( normal maps and stuff) even more with HlStatsX. now i can finally use my kill skills ( in mr.green )
  5. i keep updating my last one
  6. your counter-strike:source playing time isnt that high :\ its only 63 hours mine is over 200. and didnt see you alot in the deathrun server either.
  7. good luck darkness which css server... deathrun or surf
  8. aargg second try (this one keeps updated incase of higher speeds)
  10. Firehawk


    it whas a quick one yes anyway welcome to the forums i dont play much mta ( never played it ) hope your map looks good edit@ you should place your topic here: http://forums.left4green.com/forum/32-map-uploads/
  11. second.... !start a topic here and see if someone reply's. (on the mr green, not left4green) because i life in the ntherlands ! just walking around my house ( zombies are slow thought.. ) and kill em all.
  12. get dressed as a zombie and..... ( no ofcourse not! ) !Get my lego pistol ! Get a bat !Seal some doors. !Make the kitchen a bid like a fort ( pillows, duvets and stuff) !I dont that> now you have a nice place to sleep and a fridge ! Survive and use the car to get to the market and steal some food ( i am 14 but that doesnt matter, they are all zombies ( maybe) ) search for more people that survived ( they cant take friesland!! ) lol( that wasn't qiuck! )
  13. Good luck man!
  14. you can always try it another time right? anyway thx all!
  15. i've got my second map here http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/143469 again it's a small map just for fun to play on with some friends ( its up to 32 players) good for server that has got fast map changes
  16. what burn said AND maybe because you can spawn props with the menu ''q'' and he want to spawn some css money and got an error so yes just buy the game. or dont and get the error
  17. Great that You fixed it Yourself, hoping the map is good =) hmm.. well there are not fun maps or whatever they are just some little fy maps to play on with some friends, ofcourse to have some fun too and they are perfect for server with fast map change. making 5 different maps but you will see my maps on fpsbanana.com so check my map topic on map uploads! 4 hours work i quess...
  18. Hey fireawk here. I need some good help for this annoying problem. i made a little map in source sdk: for Counter-strike:source and ofcourse it has some nice water in it. but the problem is that if i launch the game ( testing map) then there is NO water ( some pictures below) :angry: VERY annoying hope some guys can help me with this NOTE@ There IS water but you cant see it.... there is but you cant see it!! it's fixed!! it works now and it's almost finished.
  19. ''where are you working on?'' i am working on some little ''Fy_'' maps for Counter-Strike:source. i already uploaded 1 map on fpsbanana and now i am working on the second. i hope i will make another 4 maps so i will have 5 5 little ''fy'' maps
  20. Good Luck Qtesla
  21. it isnt free... if you want to download you cant play online.. sometimes but you need patches and stuf dunno. or join a server with dedicated server.
  22. Firehawk

    Admin app

    Don't know if you're lying about this but Why the fuck do you want to play 20 hours per day when your married and have 2 kids... makes no sense that doesnt matter riight? that means he is able to be active alot and can play alot. sounds good to me so there is always an admin around!
  23. Firehawk

    Admin app

    you changed it . nice
  24. Damn even your vga is better then mine. i got HD 5670 Gddr5. (dont know if the Gddr5 making alote different then ddr5) anyway, nice laptop
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